babisr at wrote:
> The class ArchetypeOntology, does not stores in the
> internal Map - definitionsMap, the term defintion
> items, but only constraint definition items.
> The bug is in line 73 where the 
> codeMap = new HashMap<String, DefinitionItem>();
> should be replaced by
> codeMap = map.get(defs.getLanguage());
> if (null == codeMap) {
>   codeMap = new HashMap<String, DefinitionItem>();
> }
Yes, you are right! The bug was originally reported by Jonas and Joakim 
from Link??pings University. Your fix seems to be more concise than the 
one submitted by Jonas and Joakim.

Now it has been fixed in the local copy and will soon be committed into 
subversion repository.

Thanks for reporting this bug! What's your name by the way? (so that I 
could count you as one of the contributors  :) 


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