In een bericht met de datum 5-5-2006 9:40:03 West-Europa (standaardtijd), 
schrijft gfrer at

> Dear William,
> CEN/tc251 EN13606 part 2 describes  "this model that allows us to express it 
> ... unbound to specific technology".
> Further there is the list:
> - Clinical concept descriptions: 
>   -- Excel sheets, expressed as text in columns,
>   -- CEN/tc251 or openEHR Archetypes, that are formally expressed as 
> constraints on an underlying UML model (part 1 of EN13606),
>   -- HL7 Templates, that are formally expressed as constraints on a 
> derivative of an underlying (Viso) model (the HL7 v3 RIM).
> At this point in time CEN and HL7 are in the process of harmonising part of 
> of the EN13606 with the work on the Clinical statement.
> The moment when HL7 starts to deploy the method, described in the HL7 
> Development Framework in stead of the Message Development Frame work, more 
> intermediate artefacts of HL7 will be expressed in UML.
> Then HL7 Templates and CEN/openEHR Archetypes can become the same thing. Not 
> only expressing the same thing but being the same thing at the level of the 
> computer.
> Gerard

See our agenda for the next year, 

thank you Gerard,

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