Williamtfgoossen at cs.com wrote:
> These are archetypes in which the clinicians materials are sorted out, coded 
> etc. 
> They currently are made operational for use in a message. Sam has worked with 
> the Barthel index, which based on this example for R-MIM, however based on 
> the tables, could be written up in ADL language in less than 15 minutes, 
> where the sorting out of Barthel for clinical and making the variable / 
> coding tables etc took about 8 days of work due to many variants in practice. 

undoubtedly there are archetypes available from the models you have 
defined. However, any HL7 model also contains a lot of junk attributes, 
and the RMIMs are not based on the same underlying ontology (i.e. 
reference model). The RIM is quite deficient in many ways which prevent 
the easy expression of many clinical concepts as archetypes (and it is 
easy to demonstrate this - just try and build an archetype based on the 
RIM for Apgar result.)
> How these can obey to the model is explained in the CEN 13606 R-MIM which is 
> going to be discussed next weekend in San Antonio. 
> I am just waiting for a tool that helps me with the conversion to the 
> different operational archetyping. 
you are implying that it is simply a matter of a technical transform, 
but it isn't. For archetypes to be interoperable, they need to be based 
on the same underlying reference model, or on a model that is machine 
convertible to a common reference model. This reference model acts as 
the base ontology for archetypes; if it contains concepts like 
Observation, History and Event for example, then your archetype can use 
these. In openEHR, we use a subset of the openEHR reference model as the 
underlying ontology for archetypes.

Obviously some people will say: this is just one possible reference 
model and we should be able to use any reference model. This would be to 
misunderstand the ontological basis of modelling in general. There is 
not easy way for interoperable models of content to be expressed at a 
certain "high" level, based on lower level concepts (themselves 
representing various ontological commitments) without being committed to 
that lower level in some way. To provide an analogy, in 
object-orientation, we write program texts in the form of "class" 
definitions, containing "attribute", "function" and "procedure" 
definitions. These latter terms for a base ontology of commitments 
assumed by many languages, such that a programmer versed in one language 
(say C++) is capable (mostly) of understanding texts written in other 
languages (say Java, C#, Eiffel, Python, Ada etc). You can't define a 
class text if you don't commit to the concept of a "class" in the first 

The same is true in health informatics. So, with the openEHR reference 
model we have tried to create a model that also works as a language for 
expressing higher level concepts in the same realm. Thus classes like 
Composition, Section, Observation, Evaluation, Instruction, Action, 
History, Event, Item_list, Item_tree, Quantity, Date_time, Coded_text 
etc are all sensible ontological concepts in the domain as well as being 
class definitions in the reference model. openEHR archetypes are based 
on these concepts in a formal way.

Now - we have taken some trouble to minimise the dependence on details 
in the openEHR reference model. In an archetype you will see that the 
definition of things like Quantity and Coded_text is done in a syntactic 
way, and does not try to force everyone to have exactly openEHR's 
definition of these things, only to have minimal common semantics. 
Archetypes using constructs like Observation, History, Event, 
Instruction and so on also do not mention all of their attributes; only 
the ones germane to the clinical modelling exercise. So - an openEHR 
archetype could quite reasonable be compatible with another reference 
model that is contains formally equivalent semantics for the elements 
mentioned in the archetype, even if other semantics exist. What this 
means is that the archetype is constraining an assumed "shared reference 
model", i.e. the common subset of two concrete reference models.

Now if we look at an HL7 RMIM, it is based on the RIM. The RIM is quite 
different semantically from even the implicit shared part of the openEHR 
reference model in various ways:
- there are no addressable data structures like List, Table, Tree etc
- there is no History or Event
- there is Observation, but incompatibly defined
- there is no explicit Evaluation, Instruction
- there is Act, but this is so general it is used for everything in the 
RIM that isn't an Entity, or a Participation or Role; openEHR's Action 
is just for actions;
- there are numerous attributes that don't map clearly, and I would 
argue really have no place in a model to be used as the basis for domain 
content modelling (e.g. many attributes relate specifically to the 
messaging purpose of HL7 v3; content models should be defiinable 
independent of where the content is actually carried or stored).

So RMIMs based on the RIM directly are not going to be safely 
machine-convertible to archetypes based on the openEHR model. I have 
tried this with others on paper, and you quickly run into trouble.

Is there any hope for interoperability then between these two worlds? 
One answer is that if an RMIM such as the clinical statement is regarded 
as the "real" reference model upon which to based clinical and related 
archetypes in the HL7 world, then there might be some possibilities. 
 From my point of view, the clinical statement RMIM has to solve the 
same problems as the openEHR reference model. It is closer to it than 
the RIM but I think it a) has some way to go, and b) still contains 
numerous HL7 message specificities that are irrelevant to building 
models of domain content. The mood code is a good example. If a domain 
expert is given a tool and asked to model "Barthel index", the question 
of "what mood code" each node is, is just not meaningful. The same is 
true for most of the Act and Act-relationship attributes - they are not 
meaningful to content modelling, and yet you are forced to include them 
in any derived HL7 model. Nevertheless, if there is scope for 
interoperability, it is from templates based on the clinical statement 
and possibly the CDA models, not RMIMs based on the RMIM.

> This does bring me to the conclusion that we are more or less focussing on 
> different concepts which we both call archetype.
> For me the archetype (and in HL7 world template and in CEN also GPIC) is a 
> reusable and standardised format of a small or little larger piece of 
> clinical information, expressed into a model that makes it implementable into 
> technology.
> So giving structure, determining data type, assigning a mandatory value set 
> and meaning such as in clinimetric scales (Barthel, Apgar), unique coding 
> (the tables in the current format under section's 8 - 10) is for me the 
> essence of the archetype. So a technical specification of clinical content.
I agree with all these words. But an HL7 RMIM based on the RIM does not 
conform very well to these notions.
> Then, I think comes your point, and perhaps I now better understand your 
> position, this technical specification of the clinical stuff must be given a 
> specific format to make it work in IT. In our projects I have to make it work 
> in the HL7 v3 messages and in the EHR's that use the RIM and D-MIMs as their 
> reference model for the database (similar to Oracle HTB)
yes, this is exactly the point. In openEHR we specifically don't tie 
archetypes to any specific model of messaging (hence no messaging 
related attributes), since we know they will be re-used in screen forms, 
EHR data structures, messages, and in many different technologies. HL7 
RMIMs are stick to the RIM, and in particular the message-related 
attributes (quite apart from the problem of missing the semantics listed 
> In your case for OpenEHR it must adhere to the archetype definition language. 
> Well, not to go into the discussion again about which is best the egg or the 
> hen, I have the experience that we do need a well structured clinical 
> information set to work in both a message and in an EHR. 
> To me it does not matter how it is formalised to work in IT, but to you it 
> apperently does because you want to implement it in the EHR based on OpenEHR 
> principles. 
it does matter, but not because of openEHR. It is a mathematical 
certainty that the formalisation matters, due to the ontological 
commitments of any model.
> For the clinical content expressed it does not matter, for what you need to 
> do with it it does. 
but for any hope of sharing, it does matter. It is the difference 
between having a PDF of a diagnostic guideline expressed in natural 
language (not interoperable in any computing sense) and the same 
guideline expressed in a formal guideline language. To actually create 
the latter, you have to a) commit to a particular language of 
expression, e.g. prodigy, proforma etc, and b) you have to commit to 
using it in an agreed way to express the semantics of the guideline. If 
different groups make  either of these choices differently, then 
interoperability won't happen.
> So given the parallel discussion on vocab:
> steps to deal with it are beginning to become clear:
> - formalize the clinical materials (literature, evidence, clinician input)
> - make them technically specific operational (data type, coding, valueset 
> binding, cardinalities etc)
> - express them in ADL for use in Open EHR
> - express them in Hl7 v3 R-MIM for use in messages. 
this forgets one major element: expressing things in ADL doesn't mean 
interoperable or even comprehensible archetypes - the reference model on 
which any archetypes that we write are based is the key choice to agree 
on - the implicit "shared" I describe above.
> I earlier assumed that conversion from R-MIM to ADL was doable, but 
> apparently it is not. 
at a syntactic level it is - see 
However, this expression of the lab observation RMIM in ADL doesn't 
really buy anything, since the assumed reference model is the RIM; the 
lab observation archetype used in openEHR is here (raw ADL: 
; human readable form - 
Sorry for the raw ADL, but if you take the time to look at it carefully, 
you will see that there is not much commonality. Now try the same thing 
with blood glucose as an RMIM, convert to ADL, then compare to 
(raw form link at top of page). Try some of the other archetypes at 
http://oceaninformatics.biz/archetypes/MindMap/ArchetypeMap.html - you 
will see how different they are. The differences are due to the 
different underlying reference models, not the different syntactic ways 
of expressing the concepts.
> But from a table with technical operational materials (step 2 above) we must 
> be able to go both ways depending on need and national strategy?  
in principle, but the missing step is that a shared underlying reference 
model, or concepts thereof have to be agreed. And that requires 
understanding by all parties of the ontological generalities of 
modelling (some explanation is given in section 4.1 of 
> I look forward to further harmonisation work on archetypes and templates. HL7 
> template group is currently working on applying ADL / CEN 13606-2 for further 
> work, but given the discussion above, we might need to look for a model that 
> allows us to express it operational, but unbound to specific technology. 
The main point for such activities to be meaningful is not syntactic 
re-expression in ADL (and in fact, there are other alternate 
expressions, including ones based on XML), but some convergence on a 
shared underlying reference model.

- thomas

CTO Ocean Informatics (http://www.OceanInformatics.biz)
Research Fellow, University College London (http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk)
Chair Architectural Review Board, openEHR (http://www.openEHR.org)

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