Hello all,
While I recognize the importance of analyzing the differences between
openEHR and HL7, I feel that we are wasting our energies as a community in
this ongoing debate. I think that our health IT visions are more important
than how exactly they are enabled by the various standard specifications.

Let me illustrate this argument through my HL7 Clinical Genomics work. The
essence of that effort in my mind is the vision of "encapsulate &
bubble-up" and  the way it is realized through HL7 is less important. This
vision is about enabling personalized medicine where care is given to the
patient based among other thing on his/her genetic profile as well as
individual variations. Many innovative genetic labs nowadays provide
advanced genetic testing like gene expression panels. They run proprietary
(sometime patented) algorithms to calculate the raw genomic data and come
up with the result. Typically this result is minimal like a single number
representing for example the probability of tumor reoccurrence (e.g., the
test OncotypeDX). The "encapsulate & bubble-up" vision is about having the
genetic lab send the final result *along* with the raw data to be
encapsulated in the patient EHR. In this way, when new discoveries become
available (and this is a rapid evolving field), the raw data could be
parsed again and new results might be "bubbled-up" from the same raw data.

Now, back to the data models argument, in my mind it's less important how
this vision is enabled. If I had the bandwidth - I guess that I could have
modeled it with openEHR as well. What matters in my mind is to have a deep
discussion on the vision itself - for example - do you agree with the
encapsulation of raw genomic data in the patient EHR? Obviously, it could
be that one model is better than the other for specific uses and perhaps
the best-of-breed approach (rather than harmonization...) is needed when we
come to realize our visions.
Just my 2 cents...

Amnon Shabo (Shvo), PhD
Co-Chair & Facilitator, HL7 Clinical Genomics SIG
Co-Editor, CDA R2 (Clinical Document Architecture)
Co-Editor, CCD (CDA-based CCR-Continuity of Care Record)
Haifa Healthcare & Life Sciences Standards Practice
IBM Research Lab in Haifa

Office: +972-4-8296358
Mobile: +972-54-4714070

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In een bericht met de datum 16-10-2006 13:34:27 West-Europa (zomertijd),
schrijft gfrer at luna.nl:


 Since when is it a "lie" when one states his opinion?

 Read my other e-mail where I state more opinions and provide some
 Read in that e-mail also the fact that CEN/tc251 EN13606 and OpenEHR are
 based on many years of R&D and real implementations.
 EN13606 EHRcom is factual NOT in its infancy, as you know.


The lie is in the ONLY

Simple: OpenEHR works and HL7 v3 works. ONLY is not an argument, it is just
an expression of beliefs.

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