ok, we have real convergence here.

OpenEHR works exactly like HL7 - define a reference model
with all the needed semantics, and then refine things away
in constraint models (and use the refinements as a basis for
composition). So the principle is the same.

We can generate [class models|schemas|wire formats] from
constraint patterns. Doing so has benefits and costs. The
same benefits and costs in either HL7 or OpenEHR. And one
of the clear costs relates to persistence. I think we need
to search for a better way, but that's not going to happen
in the short term.

But the OpenEHR & HL7 reference models are quite different.
In most parts, the HL7 reference model is more abstract
(Which is way Act gets 22 attributes). So harmonising between
the reference models is going to require actual change rather
than adroitly altering perspectives, as with data types and
the constraint model things.

This will be hard, and painful. And it must involve compromise,
so this is when we find out who really values collaboration.

And we don't want to take away the real benefits that OpenEHR
has in the process (same for HL7)


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