Hi All


I think we are addressing an issue that will come up in templates as well.
How to add terms from a local terminology directly into a template. Local is
used for the archetype terms - I have wondered if we should use a template:
namespace for terms that are created only in the template but for


Cheers, Sam


From: openehr-technical-boun...@openehr.org
[mailto:openehr-technical-bounces at openehr.org] On Behalf Of Ian McNicoll
Sent: Wednesday, 3 December 2008 3:44 AM
To: For openEHR technical discussions
Subject: {Disarmed} Re: text and description


Same patten less the dots should be ok then?

e.g. sechalmersMUKOS::


Dr Ian McNicoll
office / fax  +44(0)141 560 4657
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian at mcmi.co.uk

Clinical Analyst - Ocean Informatics ian.mcnicoll at oceaninformatics.com

Member of BCS Primary Health Care Specialist Group - www.phcsg.org

2008/12/2 Thomas Beale <thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com>

Ian McNicoll wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> According to Support_IM 5.3.2
> "Valid identifiers that can be used for this attribute for
> terminologies include but are not limited to the
> following:
> . "openehr"
> . "centc251"
> . an identifier value from the first column of the US National Library
> or Medicine (NLM)
> UMLS terminology identifiers table below, in either of two forms:
> - as is, e.g. "ICD10AM_2000", "ICPC93";
> - with any trailing section starting with an underscore removed, e.g.
> "ICD10AM"."
> So, as far as I can see it should be possible to use a local
> identifier, although not supported by the editors at present, the
> issue being how to namespace the terminology uniquely.
> I could not see anything in other documentation
> For Olof's project I am proposing to use e.g.
> "se.chalmers.MUKOS::mukos-reaktion"


only problem - that identifier would not be allowed in the (imminent)
Release 1.0.2 of openEHR (see

 <> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from
"" claiming to be MailScanner warning: numerical links are often
malicious: Identifier Syntax
The syntax of the value attribute is as follows:
# -------- production rules --------
terminology_id: name [ '(' version ')' ]
name: V_NAME
version: V_VERSION
# -------- lexical patterns --------
V_NAME: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-/+]+
V_VERSION: [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-/.]+


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