Dear colleague,

I agree with you that the grey zone is a relic from the past we have  
to deal with.
Never the less, I want to argue that we have to reduce this grey-zone.
By means of my suggestion to do post-coordination as much as possible  
in the archetype.

The main reason is:
- In language post coordination is done in the syntaxis and not in the  


On Jun 10, 2008, at 9:37 AM, Daniel Karlsson wrote:

> Realizing that the current Snomed CT Concept Model is not enough  
> (today,
> unfortunately by far) and that the tools for supporting constrained
> post-coordination mainly are lacking, at least Snomed CT provides  
> *some*
> constraints on semantics in areas where openEHR provides none. Also,  
> the
> suggestion by David Markwell, I believe, is to represent semantics in
> Snomed space *as well as* in the archetype space.
> Also, I firmly believe that the "grey zone" will always exist as it is
> the result of the concurrent use of two different models of semantics.
> Thus, the boundary problem will not be "solved", rather we will have  
> to
> develop methods that makes the "grey zone" related problems less
> harmful.
> Regards,
> Daniel

-- <private> --
Gerard Freriks, MD
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

T: +31 252544896
M: +31 620347088
E:     gfrer at

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little  
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov  

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