The contains statement is like a join. It is the association of containment
which is very useful in longitudinal records.
Cheers, Sam

> -----Original Message-----
> From: openehr-technical-bounces at [mailto:openehr-technical-
> bounces at] On Behalf Of Greg Caulton
> Sent: 25 February 2009 09:41
> To: openehr-technical at
> Subject: Re: AQL queries and one-many relationships
> Sorry, I was trying to use an example to explain that in SQL one would
> have a cartesian join if you have
> select
>    t1.*
> from t1, t2
> but in AQL the examples I have seen suggest that
> select
>    o
> from c1, o1
> would be an implict join
> I'll leave the AQL discussions to someone more versed with it :-)
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > Message: 4
> > Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 09:08:28 +1100
> > From: <John.Ryan-Brown at>
> > Subject: RE: AQL queries and one-many relationships
> > To: <openehr-technical at>
> > Message-ID:
> > ? ? ? ?<8C3F2174B3FE2B408CB380513186BEC45752819AE7 at EXNSW-
> >
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> >
> > Thanks for your respose Greg.
> >
> > I'm not really concerned about the details of specific archetypes - I
> just used the ubiquitous blood pressure one because that's the one used
> in a lot of the example documentation.
> >
> > My question is more about the how AQL should handle querying data
> that conforms to archetypes that contain one or more one-to-many
> relationships.
> >
> > John
> >
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