Hi Roger,

I do not think we need special time server, because we can use NTP
server to adjust time.

On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 22:11:05 +0100
Roger Erens <roger.erens at e-s-c.biz> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 13:10, KOBAYASHI, Shinji <skoba at moss.gr.jp> wrote:
> > Hi Tim,
> >
> > Sorry to late response. I have been troubled.
> > I list up what we have to implement for connectathon bellow:
> > i) Connectathon scineario(done)
> > http://www.openehr.org/wiki/display/resources/Connect-a-thon+Details
> So there's only 1 journey, right? I think the encounters could use
> some date-times attached to them.
> A suggestion for tackling the first problem area mentioned: during the
> connect-a-thon the connect-a-thon coordinator (c24r) should run a
> time-server, to which the machines running the health information
> applications should sync their time with (say every 10 or 15 minutes).
> The c24r could then use the time-server to 'fast-forward' through time
> and have every machine update their date and time within 10 or 15
> minutes.
> Another idea might be to use a Google Wave to broadcast changes
> real-time. Or use a Skype-meeting. They seem simpler to set up than
> using an IRC channel for instant messaging. I don't know about
> Twitter.
> Best regards,
> Roger
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KOBAYASHI, Shinji <skoba at moss.gr.jp>

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