
I just want to share a (to me) clarifying implementation discussion to
the list so that it does not get lost in cyberspace :-)

I wondered if e.g. the contribution 1 in fig 25 on
really was possible to record as single contribution or if it needed
two contributions (with identical timestamps) but different
AUDIT_DETAILS.change_type (one for creation and one for modification).
I had a chat (attached below) with Tom Beale regarding this.

I had somehow gotten the impression that all AUDIT_DETAILs of
versioned objects belonging to a single contribution should be
identical. This is not the case, instead e.g. the
VERSION<T>.commit_audit.change_type can be different for the different
objects within the same contribution.

The remaining question is then what type to select for
CONTRIBUTION.audit.change_type when the related
VERSION<T>.commit_audit.change_type attributes are mixed in a
situation like in fig 25. It seems that the semantics of
CONTRIBUTION.audit.change_type is not crystal clear and needs to be
clarified in the specs. In the mean time our implementation will set
CONTRIBUTION.audit.change_type to "unknown" for mixed stuff and set it
to "deleted" only if all changes of the commit are deletions (and
creation if all are creations etc).  Any comments regarding this

Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
erik.sundvall at liu.se http://www.imt.liu.se/~erisu/ ?Tel: +46-13-286733
(Mail & tel. recently changed, so please update your contact lists.)

- - -

Shortened and somewhat spelling-corrected chat between Erik Sundvall
and Thomas Beale 15:th of February 2010:

ES: Are the contributions 1 & 3 in fig 25 on
really possible to record as a single contribution or do they need two
contributions (with identical timestamps) but different
AUDIT_DETAILS.change_type (one for creation and one for modification)?

TB: the implication in that diagram is that CIx and CIy happened at
difrerent times, for example CIx is due to a test result being added
to the EHR and CIy is the next patient encounter where the physician
modifies the plan (CId), the medications (CIb) and also there is the
encounter note itself (CIy)
 sorry - just realised you said 1 & 3
 but the principle is the same

ES: I mean within contrib 1: CIw and CIa' are in the same contrib
 ...but are of different types.

TB: yes
 CIw is an encounter note COMPOSITION
 CIa' is something like a problem list COMPOSITION

ES: Yes I understand that part already :)
 AUDIT_DETAILS.change_type perhaps instead should be  VERSION<T>.change_type

 (apart from additional attestations which might occur)

ES: Do you mean that the AUDIT_DETAILS can be different for different
VERSIONs in the same contrib?

TB: sure
 every VERSION has its own AUDIT_DETAILS
 AUDIT_DETAILS is not any kind of shared object

ES: I thought it was supposed to have exactly equal content for all
versions changed in a contribution.
 So what is the change_type on CONTRIBUTION.audit for a "mixed" contrib?

TB: just something like 'change'
 or 'update'

ES: (I meant CONTRIBUTION.audit.change_type)

TB: yes

ES: so if we do both creation and modification in the  contrib we'll
arbitrary pick one of them?

TB: there is not 100% clean way to map say 3 individual different
types of change (say and addition, a modification and an error
correction) to anything more specific on the CONTRIBUTION
 well the meaning should be taken to be: what was the change to the
EHR as a whole?
 it is usually either a creation (only new content), modification
(mixed changes) or could be a deletion
 this attribute on the CONTRIBUTION audit trail is not that important
 it is just like in SVN or any other VC system
 in a way, all change sets are just 'modifications'
 but it could be useful is a lot of new content were being added in

ES: Well you don't have change_type in svn on the commit level its on
the file level is it not? The comment is the shared thing.

TB: well, SVN's model of change sets is not that strong
 to get a proper model, you have to go to better products like ClearCase etc
 was just using it as an example

ES: Do they enforce any change_type?

TB: but it is still possible to have major categories of different
thing happening to a repository (here, repository = 1 EHR for us, in
this analogy)
 e.g. major accession of new files == addition of new health data
 normal changes due to 'work' == modifications
 deletions (e.g. due to EHR demerge) == deletion
 the idea in openEHR is to synthesise change_type for CONTRIBUTIONs
 rather than setting it manually
 as I say, I don't see it as a particularly important attribute
 but it can allow to distinguish between major different modes of change to EHR

ES: Anyway I need to figure out what to do implementation-wise, could
you clarify once more: Should I mix types so that they are different
in the AUDIT_DETAILS of the versions or do they need to be the same?

TB: you can have any number of VERSIONs in a given CONTRIBUTION, each
with different change_type
 is that what you mean?
 that is the normal situation

ES: OK, thanks.


ES: The change type on the VERSIONS is the clinically interesting (and
easy to detect/synthesise) then and the ad-hoc-synthesised
CONTRIBUTION.audit.change_type can't really be trusted to contain
useful information.

TB: that is more or less correct

ES: CONTRIBUTION.audit.change_type could be set to unknown if it is mixed?

TB: it can be trusted but only to mean something more coarse-grained
 so I agree it is not that useful

ES: I think I'll set it to unknown for mixed stuff then and "deleted"
only if all changes are deletions (and creation if all are creations).

TB: sounds reasonable

ES: It would be cleaner to have the change_type on VERSION instead
unless there is a clear implementation guidance or algorithm to
determine type on CONTRIBUTION. CR perhaps?

TB: well it already is - as I said, VERSION.commit_audit is of type
AUDIT_DETAILS, so every VERSION has its own audit
 the only question is what guidance should exist for setting
 which probably should be clearer
 don't forget, each VERSION needs everything in AUDIT_DETAILS, not
just change_type
 that's why AUDIT_DETAILS exists as a class

ES: Yes. My thought was that if change_type was moved from
AUDIT_DETAILS to VERSION<T> then there would be no  change_type in
CONTRIBUTION but still be there on all VERSION<T>-objects.
 But implementation guidance will also work to get around it.

TB: well the problem with that is that you are splitting up one
attribute from AUDIT-DETAILS from the others in that class, which it
logically belongs with
 we could have maybe made a simplified AUDIT_DETAILS just for
CONTRIBUTION, but that is more classes, for little gain it seems to me

ES: I guess it is a matter of taste if change type belongs best to
version metadata directly within the class or in an associated class,
but since AUDIT_DETAILS is reused in things like AUTHORED_RESOURCE
which is not a VERSION<T>
...I think it may just as well stay.

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