Hi Rong (All),

(I hope that this is the right mailing list)

I am part of an Irish project called EHRland which is looking at 
two-level models for e-health and trying to understand the openEHR 
architecture as well. I myself am looking at correspondences between 
archetype nodes and clinical terms. However I encountered some problems 
when parsing the ADL files which I took from the openEHR svn repository 
using the Java ADL parser. The errors messages indicate that they are 
caused by empty "purpose" and "original author" properties. Sometimes 
the parser also complains about the 'any' constraint on a single 
attribute and the parsing is interrupted.

In any case, I have a few related questions:

1) Can you provide guidance for working around these errors?

NOTE: I assume that you have discontinued the development of those ADL 
files in the http://www.openehr.org/svn/knowledge/archetypes/ repository 
and now only use the CKM. I would nevertheless like to use this older 
set of archetypes, as it contains more archetypes with term bindings 
than the current CKM set.

2) Another question is in relation to templates. If a significant number 
of term bindings happen at the template rather than Archetype level, are 
term bindings in Archetypes optional and open to further constraint even 
after an archetype is released in CKM?

3) Does anyone have a set of developed templates derived from available 
archetypes (in any format) with bindings in them? I would like to use 
them to supplement bindings from archetypes.

4) In your experience, where are bindings generally positioned in an 
archetype or template? Is this ONLY decided by terminologists or will 
there also be style guide / principles to (for instance) constrain the 
possible position of bindings?


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