
I'd be very grateful if you could help me about a question connected to 
"Disjoint Merge" (section 6.4.3 of CommonIM - 

In its third step the merge procedure states to "set the data in the new trunk 
Version to be a copy of the data from the most recent trunk Version from the 
source container".
What should I do if the most recent trunk Version from the target container is 
more recent than the most recent trunk Version of the source container? Is it 
correct to copy data from the former into the new trunk Version just created on 
target container?

Another point: what should I do if the most recent trunk Version of the source 
container has lifecycle_state = deleted? I suppose it won't be necessary to add 
a further new trunk Version to the source container, having data set to void 
and lifecycle_state = deleted...

Just a last question: do you think it's acceptable to set the change type of 
the new trunk Version on target container to 'SYNTHESIS'? If not, which value 
could it be correct?

I really thank you very much for your kind attention and for your help.

Best regards.

Cristian Armentano

NoemaLife S.P.A.
Via Gobetti, 52
40129 Bologna - ITALY
carmentano at noemlife.com
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