Hi William

Thanks for the kind words. It seems to me that we could define a mapping from 
openehr to iso 21090. I certainly designed it that way. The mapping is not 
perfect, but it's good enough to be useful except for corner cases. I just have 
to find the time to write it up properly, but that seems an increasingly 
distant prospect at the moment.


Sent from my iPhone

On 19/11/2010, at 6:49 PM, Williamtfgoossen at cs.com wrote:

> Hi all,
> Given this discussion on ISO 21090 I would like to bring forward the 
> following:
> 1. Every international standard is and has to be based on political 
> decisions: all member countries have to be accepting it and hence will want 
> to get something specific out of it, or block too difficult parts. 
> That is the way of standards making, in contrary to what a group of friends 
> like in OpenEHR foundation can do.  This has nothing to do with committees 
> working in the implementation space or sitting at a table. It is how formal 
> democratic voting goes. Not a perfect system we know, but apparently chosen 
> above totalitarian approaches. 
> This democratic development (inclusive of all parties concerned, and voting 
> by members) has been and is still the case for ISO 21090. 
> The same democratic and transparant voting procedure by members is used in 
> HL7 international (of course the membership is organised different from ISO). 
> 2. The use cases for ISO 21090 do come from different sources: an older basic 
> data type standard from ISO, clinical use cases, CEN standards, in particular 
> the one on archetypes (13606-2), AND HL7 among others. The resulting set is 
> accepted by the ISO membership, and indeed the HL7 membership, referring to 
> it as datatypes R2 (and facing an enourmous piece of effort and work to redo 
> a lot of the models and messages due to the harmonisation). And under the 
> JIC, also the CDISC organisation deals with this since ISO 21090 is part of 
> the joint harmonisation work. I think the willingness of the different JIC 
> partners to step beyond their traditional route and harmonise this formidable 
> and fundamental work is the most important achievement in the last 25 years 
> of international standards work. I would like to compliment Grahame in 
> particular that he managed to get a useful, albeit say 96% "perfect" standard 
> out of this. 
> 3. No standard or specification can be perfect. In particular, Tom's work 
> might be closer to perfection than the ISO 21090, but that is hypothetically 
> a matter of a percentage between 96% and 97.5% on a VAS of 0 - 100%. I 
> personally are pragmatic, I need in Detailed Clinical Models and in HL7 v3 
> Care Provision message implementations about 20 - 30% of the ISO 21090, so do 
> not bother about the rare use cases addressed. 
> 4.  Core principle behind the standard is that you create a profile around it 
> that allows you to implement it in your system, or your message, or your 
> datawarehouse or whatever. There is usually no way to have it 100% ready for 
> use. The example from the blog that Tom talks about, where ISO 21090 is 
> mapped into their own CDISC models is almost perfect. That is the way to go. 
> Yes it will include mappings from ISO time format to XML time format. But if 
> that works well on implementation, at the exchange level you are compliant. 
> 5. If you adhere to ISO 21090 / conform to it / there is always the option to 
> limit your implementation set. E.g. refer to particular chapters or codes in 
> ISO 21090.
> 6. It looks from Tom's objections that OpenEHR cannot adhere to data type 
> standard ISO 21090. Is that a problem in the OpenEHR specifications, or is 
> that a problem on political level: we do want to invent our own because it is 
> closer to perfection? What I mean here is: if I create archetypes in OpenEHR 
> spaces (there are about 25 in Dutch available pending other issues to be 
> solved before releasing). And from this system I need to exchange HL7 v3 
> messages in the Dutch national switshboard space, will I be in trouble 
> because the OpenEHR archetypes cannot handle even the basic ISO 21090 
> datatypes?
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Results 4 Care b.v.
> dr. William TF Goossen
> directeur
> De Stinse 15
> 3823 VM Amersfoort
> email: wgoossen at results4care.nl 
> telefoon +31 (0)654614458
> fax +31 (0)33 2570169
> Kamer van Koophandel nummer: 32133713   
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