
this document 
more about this topic. In my view the data should record both the 
template id, and the template at-code, i.e. at0001.1 or whatever. Note 
that querying will normally be driven off archetypes, so in reality what 
is like to happen is that the data will carry a code like at0001.3.2 
from some template, whose parent is an archetype having at0001.3 as the 
code on the same node; the AQL query would be constructed using the 
at0001.3, and will pick up any at0001.3.2, at0001.3.3, at0001.3.0.1 etc 
from any number of conforming templates - exactly the intended effect of 
the query.

- thomas

On 19/11/2010 12:07, David Moner wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a doubt about templates defined as an archetype specialization. 
> The updated specs say that templates are just a further specialized 
> archetype. So, any change made at that level (remove or define 
> mandatory nodes, slot filling, etc.) also means a new level at the 
> node identifier. For example, if I have a node with "at0001" and I 
> constraint something of it at the template level, we should generate a 
> new "at0001.1" for that node.
> The question is, data instances that will be generated should use the 
> clinical archetype node id (at0001) or the template node id (at0001.1) 
> as archetype identifier? Or phrased differently, for the second case, 
> if I communicate the instance, should I also share the template 
> definition to better describe it or would be enough by sharing only 
> the clinical archetype?
> David
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