I think the wiki is down

2010/11/22 Thomas Beale <thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com>

>  On 22/11/2010 00:23, Stef Verlinden wrote:
> Dear all,
>  As Ed Hammond said it somewhere earlier in this discussion:  It's like
> World Peace - a great idea but probably not achievable.
>  I agree with Ed if we think along the line of ?one solution should fit
> all? and I also think that if we create different solutions for different
> purposes World Peace is achievable after all. Please let me explain.
>  The 21090 standard is a fact, is here to stay and is not going to change
> (soon). As William G. said it has been a tremendous accomplishment and
> Graham did a hell of job in finding consensus between all parties involved.
> Based on the reactions of some in this list and the fact the the majority of
> CEN and ISO voted for it, 21090 fits it?s current purpose which is:
>  ?provides set of data type definitions for representing and exchanging
> basic concepts that are commonly encountered in healthcare environments in
> support of information exchange in the healthcare environment?
> unfortunately this is not the case. If it were, we would already have the
> CEN use of these data types sorted out. See the openEHR wiki page on 13606
> and 21090 mapping, about halfway down.
>  The way I see it, the main point of discussion untill now is the
> question: exchange between who and/or what. This is also where the solution
> lies.
>  Although it isn?t stated specifically the current use of the 21090 seems
> to be primarily at the level of functional interoperability (? the ability
> of two or more systems to exchange information (so that it is human readable
> by the receiver) (ISO/TR 20514:2005)). I?m sure it?s intended use is also at
> the level of (some) semantic interoperability but allow me to make this
> distinction to explain the need for different solutions.
>  What Tom and many others on the list here are striving form is (let?s say
> an ?advanced level? of) semantic interoperability (? the ability for
> information shared by systems to be understood at the level of formally
> defined domain concepts (so that information is computer processable by the
> receiving system) (ISO/TR 20514:2005)).
> Obviously I would like to achieve that as well, but it is not the 21090
> data types that will primarily achieve it. Actually, what we need is simply
> data types that do not have all the HL7 specific use case attributes and
> value restrictions all through them. For anyone other than HL7v3 messaging
> users, the first question is: ok, how do we set all the attributes coming
> from HXIT? From ANY? and the various other ones sprinkled throughout? How do
> we obey this rule about setting NullFlavor when we don't even want to use
> NullFlavor in our context. Etc...
> I am not arguing for anything sophisticated actually, just that the basics
> be done properly, so that we (all) would actually be able to use this
> standard.
>  With advanced I mean that systems can not only support but eventually
> take over certain critical functions in the medical process. This goes
> beyond the level of decision support. In in the (not so far) future also
> fully automated systems based on input from several parties will be created.
> For instance automated triage of after hours GP visits, assess whether
> someone can get a refill prescription, an agent that checks for medication
> interaction, automated screening for certain risk profiles, follow up of
> patients with a certain diseases, etc, etc.
>  Whether we like it or not, systems have to support and even take over
> some functions of healthcare providers in order to be able to provide
> sufficient care 10-15 years from now. If not for that reason alone,  this
> type of applications can (hopefully) help to improve the quality of
> healthcare.  For instance by making personalised medicine possible at a
> large scale.
>  These advanced systems are (potentially) going to decide on matters of
> life and death and  therefore they need to be reliable in that the outcome
> must be correct and similar in every system that uses the same standard(s).
> yes, we can't argue with this. If the software is full of ambiguities due
> to the developers not knowing how to create the data, due to standards being
> full of stuff they cannot use, then this will be dangerous.
> As for proposals about what to do, I would be interested to see what the
> list members think. My only addition to Stef's proposal below would be to
> say that the scope is much greater than only semantically enabled healthcare
> processes, but basic ones too. The way the current specification is written
> (I mean the subtractive modelling style, requiring 'profiling') will mean
> that everyone profiles differently. Use of RIM-based specifications over the
> last few years bear this out.
> - thomas
>  I fully agree with Tom?s remark that this requires an engineered standard
> instead of one that is the result of a political process (If you know the
> person who would travel on a plane built by 'democracy' rather than
> engineering, please introduce us... ))
>  So here?s my proposal
>  We leave the 21090 for what it is right now and focus on a datatype
> standard for semantic interoperable systems to be used in critical
> healthcare processes. This is a new and very specific scope which not only
> justifies but calls for a new standard.
>  The thing we?re going to do differently is that for the standard creation
> process we?re - initially - going to bypass the political process. To do so,
> a small group of dedicated engineers (2-3 from all parties involved/
> interested, is composed. Based on the reactions on this list it should be
> possible to get at least engineers of HL7, DCM,13606, and openEHR involved.
> Preferably this should be extended with engineers from IHTSDO, NHS, the
> Swedish implementation group and ?.? Lets say a maximum of 20 people. The
> goal  of this group is to create a datatype standard for semantic
> interoperable systems to be used in critical healthcare processes which
> addresses the following requirements:
>  - a set of clean, clear core data types
> - a set of wrapper types designed to use the core types, optimised for
> messaging
> - other sets of wrapper types as needed, optimised for other specific
> purposes, e.g. storage or whatever
>  Also the standard should be modular in order to expand it quickly and
> easy in the future if new use cases would require that.
>  If all parties involved agree upon the end result, the standard will be
> brought to CEN/ISO to be included into the formal standardisation process.
> This of course would need some political work after all, since all CEN/ISO
> members would need to vote for this need standard in order to make it
>  official.
>  I?m very confident that if the standard is developed and agreed upon by
> the selected engineers from all parties described above, that shouldn?t be a
> big problem?.
>  So what do you think? Who?s in and is 3 months an obtainable goal for a
> first draft?
>  Cheers,
>  Stef
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> --
>   [image: Ocean Informatics]  *Thomas Beale
> Chief Technology Officer, Ocean Informatics<http://www.oceaninformatics.com/>
> *
> Chair Architectural Review Board, *open*EHR 
> Foundation<http://www.openehr.org/>
> Honorary Research Fellow, University College 
> London<http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/>
> Chartered IT Professional Fellow, BCS, British Computer 
> Society<http://www.bcs.org.uk/>
> Health IT blog <http://www.wolandscat.net/>
> *
> *
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