We don't use relational databases in the orthodox way as Grahame does, 
but his explanation really shows that CD (and most other 21090 DTs) are 
conflations of multiple concepts. The 'core' that I want to dig out is 
essentially the semantics we put into openEHR. The modelling methodology 
is as follows:

    * you have a *core data type *definition, e.g. CD, or DV_CODED_TEXT
      or whatever, that provides a computational model of the data type
      concept, in this case 'coded text', in its simplest form that
      supports expressing an instance of that type. The essential in
      this case is the code + code system, and in openEHR, we include
      the code term, i.e. the text for that code in the language of the
      locale in which the data were created (this allows the data to be
      human-readable even when a terminology service is not available).
      So far, no context- or environment-related inclusions in the model.
    * further *contextless semantics *could be included, especially if
      they are very common, e.g. in openEHR we have 'mappings' on
      DV_TEXT, inherited into DV_CODED_TEXT. This defines a standard
      data structure for connecting 1 or more mapped terms, e.g. ICD
      codes, LOINC codes or whatever to the original text or coded text.
          o another very common addition in openEHR is that of reference
            ranges to the Quantity types; these support the
            representation of lab data. It could be argued that this
            addition is context-related, and should be dealt with in the
            next category below.
    * then, any *real world (i.e. clinical) context-related *items, such
      as the following list should only be added to the model in
      'client' classes, i.e. wrapper classes...
          o *nullflavour*: this only relates to situations in which the
            data were captured from the outside world in some way. But a
            lot of values are not captured at all, they may have been
            extracted from a terminology service, generated by a
            decision support algorithm, or used in some related
            application that has no interest in any data whose null
            flavour was non-Void
          o *clinical statement structure*: what we call an Entry in
            openEHR and CEN, and also in CDA, is a larger structure
            within which multiple atomic data points might occur. Within
            this structure in openEHR and CEN, you have ELEMENTs holding
            the data values, then CLUSTERs, EVENT, HISTORY, ACTIVITY,
            INSTRUCTION, etc etc. Each of these may add some contextual
            items germane to its semantics, e.g. HISTORY & EVENT contain
            observation timing info, ENTRY has protocol and
            other_participants, as well as subject (who is the data
            about) and information_provider (who wrote it).
          o *health event context*: at higher levels, data relating to
            the visit, or lab test etc, such as date, time, location,
            and participants are typically attached to the top level
            structure, e.g. COMPOSITION, or Document in CDA.
    * now any *system-related context* is added, also in outer classes:
          o version control information
          o message control information (HL7 HXIT stuff)
          o anything specific to storage or GUI rendering.

If this kind of approach, based on *additive inheritance and 
encapsulation*, is not followed, we end up with leaf level data type 
definitions that are a soup of items from these other contexts and 
levels. This prevents us writing a clear model of what a CD or a 
Quantity actually is, and then deploying it in all the different 
contexts where it may be used. It also *prevents anyone knowing*, when 
such data are passed around *which items represent the data value*, and 
which are context-related items from some other context, now of no 
interest to the present computing context (e.g. HXIT attributes turning 
up inside the EHR). It is not always possible to follow modelling 
principles 100% and sometimes compromises seem to make sense. For 
example, the Quantity reference range one noted above. However, if the 
model does not by and large follow good practices, it won't do what is 

This is the problem of ISO 21090, and as well, the HL7 RIM, and is why 
in their current form they are so hard to use, and why they in fact 
worsen interoperability: each implementer is forced to *subtract* some 
subset of items from the basic classes to suit their purposes, and each 
implementer does this differently, resulting in a custom variant of the 
model (in HL7v3 this is called an RMIM). Not only that, but no-one can 
write a definitive set of classes in the common programming languages 
that can be widely used, because each of these implementation sites has 
a different variant of the same classes in the model.

Let me make one thing clear: the above is not a matter of taste or 
subjectivity. If we agree that we are in fact using object modelling to 
express these standards, then we need to stick to good object-oriented 
methodology. Not doing so has bad downstream consequences.

Now, doing 21090 properly means doing the above. It is probably too late 
to do that. So the official standard will be like the HL7v3 messages - 
capturing a huge amount of useful learning and semantics yet modelled in 
just such a way as to prevent reusability or interoperability.

However, this is not the situation we are in. I don't know if the 
relevant ISO people (including relevant national representatives) can be 
alerted and made to understand in time that what they are doing is going 
to have more or less the opposite effect to what they think. If it is 
possible we should do it. If not, as Grahame says, a few of us could try 
to create a 21090-stripped-down. Assuming a technical agreement could be 
reached, then we still have the problem as Stef mentioned, of making it 

I don't know how to solve this situation. Hence my near total loss of 
faith in the international standards process, in e-health for some years 

- thomas

On 25/11/2010 01:43, Grahame Grieve wrote:
>> This is really great news.
> I'm glad you think so. Cause the more I think about it, the
> more pessimistic I get.
>> important technical agreed standards should still become
>> formal standards because, at least here in Europe, they
>> can be incorporated in laws.
> y. but is that what we have here? How can we have more than
> a systems implementation guide for ISO 21090?
> I'll illustrate by talking about our favourite bugbear, CD
> For me, CD conflates 3 different notions in it's properties
> (and that's ignoring the things it gets from ANY and HXIT):
> * a definitional concept
> * a context of use of the concept
> * descriptional stuff to help foreigners work with the thing
>    when they don't know the definitional concept
> In my systems, I split the first 2 up and struggle with the last.
> I'll explain.
> The definitional concept itself is code + codeSystem. This
> pairing provides the actual meaning. So the first thing I do
> is normalise this out of CD into a separate table (note, then,
> that my focus here is relational databases, and working with
> them). I keep a table of every discrete concept encountered
> in the system. And I also maintain tables that keep track of
> implies relationships between these concepts. This means
> that I can write fast SQL joins that can use subsumption.
> Again, note the implementation focus I have here. And actually,
> I maintain a separate table for code systems to help with
> system maintenance, so I break code+code system up too,
> and there's a slew of infrastructural things hanging off them.
> My CD datatype therefore devolves into originalText + primary
> key for the concept. I ignore the valueset set stuff at the moment,
> on the basis that it's not in my product's requirements space.
> The descriptional stuff, I populate from my infrastructure -
> codeSystemVersion and CodeSystemName. DisplayName, that's
> a problem. Because in theory I can (and should) generate that
> from my code system definition tables themselves whenever I need
> it. (well, I don't actually maintain a table for snomed - I have
> a cache structure instead). But there's no algorithmic way to
> turn a snomed expression into a display name. For me, this is
> ok right now, we're not in the snomed expressions space.
> Yet. But soon. I'm kind of hoping that the nascent work in that
> space will start offering something solid about when I need it.
> And what are translations? I don't think they are any of those
> other things. I keep track of them as a series of postulates
> that the underlying concepts may be related. (and who
> postulated it, cause I'm never sure who's going to believe who)
> So CD is a cascade of tables for me. Cecil Lynch from Ontoreason
> does a different cascade, reflecting his different tooling, architecture,
> and requirements.
> OpenEHR doesn't split that stuff out - just compresses what it has
> into a single de-normalised type. I'd never do that. But Gunther, on
> the other hand, would never normalise it - he just uses the fully
> denormalised RIM + data types and wouldn't bother understanding
> why we'd have this discussion at all.
> (I do use the fully denormalised type in my object models at my
> exchange points (CDA, HL7 v2, etc), where it makes prefect
> sense, btw)
> Anyway, the problem I have is that my tooling, architecture and
> requirements all change the way that I *implement* the notional
> ISO 21090 types inside my system. Out of that, we are supposed
> to be able to write a single specification which is the one correct
> model for implementing these types in a system?
> So I don't feel as though we can produce a standard, just an
> implementation guide.
> Grahame
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Ocean Informatics       *Thomas Beale
Chief Technology Officer, Ocean Informatics 

Chair Architectural Review Board, /open/EHR Foundation 
Honorary Research Fellow, University College London 
Chartered IT Professional Fellow, BCS, British Computer Society 
Health IT blog <http://www.wolandscat.net/>

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