From: mahdi.asgari at [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 10:10 AM
To: openehr-technical at
Subject: RE: openEHR-technical Digest, Vol 49, Issue 12 (RE:ArchetypeNodeId
of an archetypeslot)


Dear Thomas

If I assume your response?

> just to clarify a bit:


>    * occurrences etc are defined in the archetype, on slot nodes, as

>      for any other object node in an archetype

>    * when a slot is being filled (in a template), the id used for the

>      archetype_node_id at the root node of the filler archetype in the

>      resulting structure is the archetype_id of that archetype.

>    * this means you never see at0000 in the resulting structure (called

>      an operational template), and therefore, never in data, because

>      all data is generated from operational templates


>the constraints you have in the example below look correct to me - they
will be preserved in the operational template.



1- What is meaning of archetype_details/archetype_id of locatable object?
According to previous statements it can be null because archetype_id
inserted on archetype_node_id!?


2- How to apply occurrence of slot please see the following code:


               void validateArchetypeSLot(ArchetypeSlot cobj, Object object,
String path) {




                              Interval<Integer> occurrences =

                              String code = cobj.getNodeID();

                              List<Object> objects = null;


                              objects =
findMatchingNodes((Collection)object, code);


                              if (occurrences != null) {

                                             if (occurrences.getLower() !=
null && occurrences.getLower() > objects.size()) {

                                                            throw new
OccurencesTooFew("at: " + path + " [" + cobj.path() + "]: must be " +
occurrences.getLower() + " but is " + objects.size(), null);

                                             } else if
(occurrences.getUpper() != null && occurrences.getUpper() < objects.size())

                                                            throw new
OccurencesTooMany("at: " + path + " [" + cobj.path() + "]: must be " +
occurrences.getUpper() + " but is " + objects.size(), null);





               List<Object> findMatchingNodes(Collection<Object> values,
String code) {

                              List<Object> objects = new

                              Locatable lo = null;

                              for (Object value : values) {

                                             lo = (Locatable) value;

(code.equals(lo.getArchetypeNodeId())) {




                              return objects;



The findMatchingNodes function, find matching objects depend on
archetype_node_id of slot. If I use archetype_id  for object related to slot
instead of slot archetype_node_id,then I must change findMatchingNodes to
findMatchingArchetypeIds! So what happened if I define more than one slot,
under attribute, with conflicts in naming pattern? To prevent previous
condition we must define a conceptual constraint like this:
- if we define more than one slot under an attribute, then included patterns
must be unique, this means we must prevent to define patterns with conflicts

So I can change findMatchingNodes to findMatchingArchetypeIds?


If we use archetype_node_id of slot, then we need no additional constraint!!

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