Thanks Erik,
I have not given much thought to a REST-full design, and once I feel that
the functionality is worth putting into production mode, I'll certainly use
your suggestions.
I won't write comments inline to make it easier to follow :)

The idea is certainly to allow everyone (including myself) have access to
key ADL 1.5 related functionality, and ADL workbench offers a lot of that.
I've done the AOM first, since that is my #1 personal requirement. I've
done very little RM, almost none, but I'll be extending this to RM too. I'd
really like to have a few other references for comparison. Tom already has
some xml output, and he'll modify that so that it'll validate via published
schemas (or fail :) ) If you put your work online, that'd be another useful
reference, I think having a few XML focused projects, especially in the
form of web services would help a lot to collaborate on a more or less
standard ITS.

I'll talk to Tom about your suggestion regarding OPT, from my point of
view, it does not sound like much work. I have actually completed only
30-40% ish of the total code I'd have to write, I am only doing Eiffel to
Java with AOM. The full scope is bi directional AOM + RM. Good news is, it
is not really intellectually a big challange now, since I've got the design
working. Bad news is, it is a large piece of very boring code to write.
The Eiffel code has been under Eiffel SVN branch for a while, I'll update
that in a few days, and I'll also upload the code of the web service and
simple web app under Opereffa's svn server. If you're curious about how
this works, you can take a look at the code.

Thanks for the kind feedback, and I look forward to working more on this.

Best Regards

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:19 PM, Erik Sundvall <erik.sundvall at>wrote:

> Hi!
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:45, Seref Arikan
> <serefarikan at> wrote:
> > The web service exposes the archetype parser functionality of Thomas
> Beale's
> > Eiffel code base with XML and JSON output.
> Very nice work! Does this mean that it will be easy to keep it up to
> date with the functionality of  ADL 1.5 workbench?
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 20:39, Thomas Beale
> <thomas.beale at> wrote:
> > for those interested in JSON, I will have a JSON outputter in the ADL 1.5
> > workbench in a few days
> ...
> > I will put a small rule-base in allowing some
> > variant forms to be generated. If anyone has specific requests, let me
> know.
> Some REST/HTTP/URI related thoughts below:
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:45, Seref Arikan
> <serefarikan at> wrote:
> >
> You might want to swap at least the "resteasy" part of the URI to
> something not bound to a specific product before finalizing the
> interface.
> >
> > returns the XML output. Simply changing the URLS to
> ...
> >
> > allows access to JSON output.
> Having different paths in the URIs for the same "resource" (same
> archetype in this case) actually goes against some REST principles.
> XML and JSON are just different "representations" of the same
> "resource"
> See details regarding "resource" and "representation" in the HTTP 1.1
> spec or Fieldings
> dissertation
> The HTTP protocol can handle the media-type negotiation depending on
> the capabilities and preferences that the client sends in the HTTP
> headers. When later adding a representation with another mediatype
> (e.g. YAML or protobuf) you won't need to extend the URI space (and a
> lot of client code can be reused).
> Of course you might want to override the HTTP negotiation in some
> cases, but then I'd recommend to use a generic "media" URI query
> parameter with values being media types
> ( If you also want
> "pretty-printing" to be a selectable option (as Bosphorus seems to
> provide) the resulting URI might look something like
> .../getarchetype?media=application/json&archetypeName=openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.case_identification.v1&prettyPrint=true
> Having an access route with URIs like this might also be nice in the
> future:
> .../archetype/openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.case_identification.v1/
> (Exposes the resources nicely and gives very clean URIs in listings etc)
> In LiU EEE we provide URIs to RM VERSION objects (e.g. COMPOSITIONs)
> like this...
> and depending on what your HTTP client asks for in the HTTP headers
> different representations, like XML or HTML will be returned. If a
> client wants to override e.g. preset browser settings they just append
> a query string like ?media=text/html
> We aim to get an updated demo server online soon too and have been
> focusing more on REST for the RM side of openEHR. Source code will be
> published together with a paper. Perhaps we have avoided duplication
> of work if you have focused on REST for AM and we mainly for RM :-)
> > In the near future, we are going to be extending the set of services,
> and we
> > would be glad to hear about your ideas for new web services in the
> tooling
> > space.
> A web service taking a Template file (and archetypes either from
> repository or uploads) as input and generating an Operational Template
> (OPT) as output in JSON or XML would be very nice contribution.
> There are a lot of magic output formats outlined in e.g. figure 3 of
> that would be nice to be able produce online via http.
> Again, nice work!
> Best regards,
> Erik Sundvall
> erik.sundvall at  Tel: +46-13-286733
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