I have refined the generated statistics in AWB, and the result is shown 
below for CKM archetypes (snapshot June 2011). Notes:

  * the stats are over the 197 archetypes validated by the ADL 1.5
    compiler (note that this is more strict than any of the ADL 1.4
    tools). Another 80 archetypes did not pass, most for trivial reasons
    of 1.5 validity like repeated occurrences and cardinality constraints.
  * the stats are obviously skewed toward the actual archetypes that
    have been done and are currently valid, which is more heavily
    OBSERVATION and EVALUATION related types.
  * the first group of stats is aggregated ontology codes, e.g. 3794
    at-code definitions over those 197 archetypes (I will add in average
    computation, but it is easy enough to see that its about 19 at-code
    average per archetype).
      o this is a guide to costs and scale of translation and binding work
  * in the RM metrics stats group, these are aggregated counts of
    archetyped nodes of any kind, i.e. there are 4327 nodes of any kind
    of C_OBJECT. This is an average of around 21.5 nodes per archetype
      o this is potentially a guide to complexity and maintainability
  * in the RM breakdown stats group, each row indicates how many times
    that RM class was mentioned (i.e. constrained) in the 197 valid
    archetypes. E.g. the ADDRESS class was constrained 7 times.
      o for each class, the number of occurrences of constraints on each
        attribute is available on the next level breakout (see further down)
          + what this tells us (usually) is that a relatively small
            subset of the total number of attributes defined for a given
            type (e.g. DV_QUANTITY) are archetyped
          + within the DATA_VALUE types, it also tells us what DV_XXX
            types are actually needed, according to clinical modellers,
            e.g. DV_DATE, DV_DURATION and DV_DATE_TME are all used.
      o not surprisingly CLUSTERs, ELEMENTS, ITEM_TREE and a few other
        classes figure prominently
      o re: the recent debates about ITEM_STRUCTURE simplification, note
        that ITEM_SINGLE and ITEM_LIST types turn up in the stats (maybe
        these classes are candidates for turning into ITEM_TREEs, or
        maybe they are evidence that we need to retain ITEM_LIST?)

There is more work to go here obviously, and I won't try to draw any 
hard conclusions right from what we see here. In terms of tooling the 
next steps are:

  * add a few further stats like average, max, min
  * some cleanup in visual presentation
  * generate an XML report form of this data with a .css for use with
    normal browsers
  * publish a new beta release of the Workbench, including all this

Any suggestions, feedback is of course welcome.

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