Dear All: Please help to circulate, many thanks! --Wo

Call for Paper and Participation

CODATA Conference Session on

Electronic Health Record Management and Preservation (EHR-MP)

October 28 - 31, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan

The CODATA (Committee on Data, established since 1966), an interdisciplinary 
Scientific Committee of the International Council for Science (ICSU), which 
works to improve the quality, reliability, management and accessibility of data 
of importance to all fields of science and technology, is happy to host the 
conference sessions on Electronic Health Record on Management and Preservation 
at its 23rd Conference in Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28 ? 31, 2012.  Please see for details.

The ability to apply standard and interoperable solutions to manage and 
preserve electronic health records (lab test results, CT scans, physician 
notes, pharmacies, long-term care, etc.) and migrate, distribute, replicate, 
and access these records from legacy formats and platforms to advanced standard 
formats and operating systems are vital for clinical care and medical research. 
However, management and systems interoperability for preservation, storage, and 
accessibility of such health data has not yet fully defined for electronic 
health records (EHRs). If management and preservation of clinical information 
are not addressed, valuable and irreplaceable information will become 
Inaccessible, or disappear over time with disastrous consequences for patient 
safety, care and research value. Replacing lost data even if possible, will 
entail huge costs for patients, clinicians, administrators, pharmacists, and 
potentially, the entire country?s economy.

The conference session focuses on underlying models, methods, systems, and 
application areas, with a strong emphasis on clinical information modeling, 
system performance, and behavior (backward and forward compatibility).

The list of topics of interest includes, but is not limited to:

?         Clinical Knowledge Modeling

?         Universal Representation for Clinical Information

?         EHR Management, Archival, and Preservation

?         EHR System Architecture and Workflow

?         EHR Harmonization

?         EHR Format Migration Strategy

?         EHR DICOM and Multimedia Management

?         EHR/PHR Mobile Application

?         EHR Systems for Clinical Research

?         EHR Security, and Access Control

?         EHR Metadata and Ontologies

?         EHR Semantic Interoperability

?         EHR Query Language

?         Web Services to EHR Repositories

Paper Submission and Proceedings Publication
Full-length papers between 4 and 6 A4 pages are solicited. Detailed submission 
instructions will be posted on the EHR-MP website in due time. Each submission 
will go through peer-review process. The conference proceedings potentially be 
published by the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.

Important Dates / Websites
Abstract submission: September 1, 2012
Notification to authors: September 15, 2012
Paper submission: October 20, 2012
Camera ready papers: November 10, 2012
Conference dates: October 28 - 31, 2012
EHR-MP website:
CODATA website:

General Chair
Wo Chang, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

Program Committee
Dr. Kenneth Thibodeau, NIST, USA
Dr. Shinji KOBAYASHI, MD, PhD, Ehime University, Japan
Mr. Kenneth S Rubin, HP, USA
Dr. Sadahiko Kano, Waseda University, Japan
Mr. Gora Ditta, C2C, USA
Dr. Rong Chen, MD, PhD, Health Informatics, Sweden
Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshihara, MD, PhD, Kyoto University, Japan

--Wo Chang
Digital Data Preservation, Project Lead
Digital Media Group, Manager
Information Access Division (IAD)
Information Technology Laboratory (ITL)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Email: wchang at<mailto:wchang at>
Phone: (301) 975-3439

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