On 15/08/2012 01:10, Heath Frankel wrote:
> Hi Seref/Thomas,
> Node IDs at0022 and at0023 have no semantic significance, they are 
> just a value of a speed limit element no matter if they are in km/h or 
> mph. These are just alternative value constraints on the value due to 
> different units allowed and range when using that unit. When you query 
> you would want to get all speed limit values and if you needed to 
> compare then you need to convert based on the units.

Hi Heath,

you are no doubt assuming that the 'QUANTITY' type in the RM doesn't 
carry archetype node+id information, which is indeed the case for 
DV_QUANTITY as used in openEHR, but I was not assuming that for the 
example. In that case you are right of course - querying would have to 
take account of it in another way. One thing we potentially should do is 
include the 'property' attribute in DV_QUANTITY, for just this purpose.

I will add something to the documentation to indicate these subtleties.

> The instance should actually look like the following
> items = <
> ["1"] = <                                                     -- ELEMENT
> archetype_node_id = <"at0004">
> value = < -- QUANTITY
> units = <"mph">
> magnitude = <25>
> >
> >
> ["2"] = <....>
> etc
> >
> However, one area that is problematic is in the validator, how do we 
> know which constraint we should use when the constraints are 
> ambiguous. The example provided previously does no have this issue but 
> if you consider an element with an alternative values of type DV_TEXT 
> allowing free text and DV_CODED_TEXT in some specified terminology.
> ELEMENT[at0004] matches {
>     value matches {
> DV_TEXT matches { * }
> DV_CODED_TEXT matches { -- km per hour
> defining_code matches { |SNOMED-CT::| }
> }
> }
> }
> This cases doesn't require at-codes because they are different types, 
> but they are still ambiguous due to the inheritance allowing any coded 
> term to be used, not just the specified term.
> Here it would be nice to have an at-code in the instance to 
> differentiate which alternative is being used.
* as it happens, due to another discussion I have already changed this 
rule to say force at-codes even if the RM types are different under a 
single-valued attribute. This will be annoying for some current 
archetypes, but that's life.

- thomas

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