Hi Seref,

This is the demo site for AQBE dynamic query generation.
It is wonderful.


2012/1/5 Seref Arikan <serefarikan at kurumsalteknoloji.com>:
> Thanks Shinji,
> In general, Antlr has some convenient features, infinite lookahead being one
> of them. I've quickly checked, and Treetop does not seem to support left
> recursion either. So you must have modified the grammar to make it work.
> I'm referring to grammar rules such as
> A : A | B;
> Tom made the point earlier. At one point it would be good to unify various
> AQL implementation experiences. I'll check out the papers.
> Best regards
> Seref
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 2:21 AM, Shinji KOBAYASHI <skoba at moss.gr.jp> wrote:
>> Hi Seref,
>> My ADL parser does not include AQL parsing.
>> I used Treetop, which is an Ruby implementation of PEG/Packrat parsing
>> algorithm,
>> not LL/LR. PEG/Packrat parser algorithm was described in this paper.
>> http://bford.info/pub/lang/packrat-icfp02/
>> Antlr is an implementation of PEG parser by LL techniques. I do not
>> know Antlr so much.
>> Packrat parser does not need to separate scanner/parser/lexer and is
>> capable to
>> infinite look ahead recursive.
>> I do not know why are you parsing AQL, but this proceeding about querying
>> EHR
>> by archetype might be helpful for your research.
>> http://web-ext.u-aizu.ac.jp/labs/sw-db/7108/71080109.pdf
>> Best regards,
>> Shinji
>> 2012/1/5 Seref Arikan <serefarikan at kurumsalteknoloji.com>:
>> > Greetings,
>> > The AQL grammar from the wiki has direct and indirect left recursion.
>> > Which
>> > means without changes in the grammar, LL parser generators (both JavaCC
>> > and
>> > Anltr) can't generate parsers for this grammar.
>> >
>> > I'm curious if anybody has refactored this grammar for LL parser
>> > generators.
>> > Shinji? Your latest release includes an AQL parser does not it? Could
>> > you
>> > please share your method? I can always look at the code, but you'd
>> > probably
>> > save me time :)
>> >
>> > I'm interested in experiences of others too.
>> >
>> >
>> > Kind regards
>> > Seref
>> >
>> >
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