Do Anyone knows about some papers of persistent storing?


*M?rcio Costa*
B.Sc. in Computer Science @ Cin/UFPE
M.Sc. Candidate in Computer Science @ CIn/UFPE
MSN: mdckoury at

Em 17 de fevereiro de 2012 17:59, M?rcio Costa <mdckoury at>escreveu:

> i would like to thank everyone for the information and attention.
> i'm trying to do a review about this subject to start my research, but i
> will do something to analyse the best way to model and persist this kind of
> data.
> Best Regards,
> *M?rcio Costa*
> B.Sc. in Computer Science @ Cin/UFPE
> M.Sc. Candidate in Computer Science @ CIn/UFPE
> MSN: mdckoury at
> 2012/2/17 pablo pazos <pazospablo at>
>>  Hi Erik, you are right, the uglyness depends on 1. the queries you want
>> to execute and 2. the programmer background.
>> For 1. the "common" queries like get all records for this patient in this
>> time window, are not that ugly, but more complex queries could be.
>> For 2. for a XML guy, writing xPath based queries is ok, but for a SQL is
>> a pain in the a55.
>> :D
>> I'm hoping to see that paper on AQL->xQuery soon!
>> I totally agree that inside the system maybe you don't need a complete RM
>> structure to handle data instances, but for the service layer (sharing
>> information with other systems) this is a must.
>> --
>> Kind regards,
>> Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
>> LinkedIn:
>> Blog:
>> Twitter: <>
>> > Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 16:21:29 +0100
>> > Subject: Re: openEHR - Persistence of Data
>> > From: erik.sundvall at
>> > To: openehr-technical at
>> >
>> > Hi!
>> >
>> > On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 23:26, pablo pazos <pazospablo at>
>> wrote:
>> > > Other models I didn't try yet are Object Oriented DBs and
>> > > Document Oriented DBs (XML, JSON, ...) [6]. I think DODBs
>> > > are a good option, fast for store highly hierarchical structures,
>> > > but you need to write some ugly queries if you want your data back :D
>> >
>> > Not necessarily that ugly... we curently auto-convert AQL to XQuery
>> > and execute towards an XML database. Those queries are very readable.
>> >
>> > Then the question is what kind of client system you are aiming at. For
>> > some use cases you don't really need to map things back to
>> > openEHR-RM-objects, in web browser based GUIs for example you can keep
>> > treating the data as documents, document fragments, fragment lists
>> > etc. and use DOM manipulations, jQuery or similar approaches for most
>> > data manipulation needs.
>> >
>> > Good luck with your work M?rcio and please keep us informed!
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> > Erik Sundvall
>> > erik.sundvall at  Tel: +46-13-286733
>> >
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