Thomas Beale wrote:

>> You could model multiple paragraphs as a LIST of DV_PARAGRAPH.
> but there is no 'LIST' data type to contain the DV_PARAGRAPHs.

Sorry, not a LIST, I meant a multiple-occurrence element like this:

        ELEMENT[at0009] occurrences matches {0..*} matches {    -- My document
                value matches {
                        DV_PARAGRAPH matches {*}

In data this would become a sequences of paragraphs.

By the way, I wanted to generate the above ADL in Archetype Editor, but I 
discovered that DV_PARAGRAPH hasn't been implemented there yet! There's never 
even been a feature request for DV_PARAGRAPH in Archetype Editor. To write the 
above example, I had to generate another data type in AE and then edit the data 
type by hand. I guess it would be safe to assume, then, that almost no one 
would be using DV_PARAGRAPH.

- Peter

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