See openEHR 2.x RM candidates A-3 and A4 here 

On 20/06/2012 11:50, Sam Heard wrote:
> Hi Anthanasios
> I think time has shown that this is probably an area of over 
> engineering in openEHR. All archetypes are now ITEM_TREE and could be 
> clusters.
> If we think of these as providing constraint on an underlying cluster 
> - ITEM_LIST is a cluster of ELEMENTs and ITEM_TABLE sets up a set of 
> clusters to provide the Information structure of an addressable table.
> There is a place for ITEM_LIST and ITEM_TABLE but the other issue is 
> these constraints might be brought to bear at any point in an 
> information hierarchy.
> I have proposed in version 2 of the RM that we make these 
> specialisations of CLUSTER as a constraint statement. That would 
> ensure backward compatibility.
> *
> * 
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