On 04/07/2013 10:40 AM, Thomas Beale wrote:
> Is there a better meta-architecture available?

I think is a very good architecture, that is why I am using it, but 
I(we) keep having to deal with people who think otherwise.
I am not smart enough to point out why HL7v3 messaging is good or bad, 
or what William Goossen does now, DCM, is good or bad.
As long as a system can hold all required information, I think it is 
good enough.
But good enough does not mean that it cannot be improved.
I have some thoughts, but that concerns the way they define the 
messages, and I think, it is a shortcoming of the system, that it only 
can be done that way.
I think the messages themselves, as designed by NIctiz, for example, are 
very complete, and can hold all required information.

But, there is some doubt in evidence based practice, so freedom is very 
important. And in that part, HL7v3 and DCM do not satisfy on this.
They don't offer freedom, they impose elsewhere and predefined ways of 
thinking and methods of treatment.

Did you see the link Karsten Hilbert published?
Don't eat like a pig and get some exercise is often a good medicine for 
many diseases, but that does not make money.
But not only, sometimes it is even better not to treat people at all.

There is quite some discussion between physicians on what is a good way 
to treat people.
And we also have alternative medicine, such as herbal medicine, 
This should, all fit in information systems.

I am happy to be a technician and like to offer freedom to the users of 
my software.

The advantages come, as I already explained, from my point of view with 
the flexibility, and the completeness of the eco-system, and the 
easiness with which, even non-technicians can get involved in 

I once explained it on Wikipedia with two drawings.


In the first, the technicians have to talk with domain-experts, and with 
the users. Technicians talking about evidence based practice? That does 
not make sense.
In the second, the technicians are standing beside, and create a base 
platform on which users and domain-experts can design their system.

More or less this is OpenEHR.
But there is still work to do, for example a good GUI-creator, like 
Visual Studio (does that still exist?), and generate archetypes from a 
designed GUI, helping them to incorporate terminology etc.
And of course, good non-GUI-building archetype-editors which are still 
not there, the complains I had about the both mainstream 
archetype-editors were admitted, but the improvement did not yet come.

A really good user friendly development environment, which is absolute 
necessary to make the idea of multi-level modeling to work, has not yet 
Ten years we are working on that, and still we do not comfort the users, 
who we value very much as main system-modelers, with easy ways to do, 
what they are expected to do in our philosophy.


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