
Can I summarise it for my understanding as:
- ATxxxx codes are pointers to an 'ontology'.
- ATxxxx codes can be considered symbols that represent a particular concept
- The 'ontology' provides a name that will be used to display the name of a 
node (concept) in an archetype.
- When a node is specialised the node name used will indicate a new concept 
(its meaning has changed)
- When the archetype is specialised ideally the new concept in the 
specialisation is a subordinate concept.
- When a Node is specialised the standard does not prescribe that the new 
concept is a sub-set of the previous one.
- The question is: is each Node (and the concept it represents) unique or not.
- The question is: is it obligatory that each node in the archetype carries a 
unique code  of the form ATxxxx .

My answers to both questions are:
- Each archetype node is  a unique concept that must have attached to it a 
unique identifier.
- Archetype editors must support this.

And I would like to add:
- When specialising each specialised concept must be a subset of its previous 

Gerard Freriks
+31 620347088
gfrer at luna.nl

On 28 aug. 2013, at 09:13, David Moner <damoca at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll try to summarize the origin of the different views we have regarding 
> this topic and maybe this can be also useful to see why this is not just a 
> configuration problem of the tools.
> We can find the explanation of node identifiers in two places (I use the 
> latest drafts, I think):
> - In AOM 1.5 specifications, page 47: "Semantic identifier of this node, used 
> to distinguish sibling nodes of the same type. [Previously called ?meaning?]. 
> Each node_id must be defined in the archetype ontology as a term code."
> - In ADL 1.5 specifications, page 26: "In cADL, an entity in brackets of the 
> form [atNNNN] following a type name is used to identify an object node, i.e. 
> a node constraint delimiting a set of instances of the type as defined by the 
> reference model." and  "A Node identifier is required for any object node 
> that is intended to be addressable elsewhere in the same archetype, in a 
> specialised child archetype, or in the runtime data and which would otherwise 
> be ambiguous due to sibling object nodes"
> The definition in AOM is the one followed by the openEHR editor, i.e. a node 
> identifier or atNNNN code is just a pointer to the ontology section and a 
> mechanism to distinguish sibling nodes. Thus, wherever it is not needed, the 
> tool does not introduce that code in order not to dirty the ontology section.
> The  first part of the definition in ADL is the one followed in LinkEHR and, 
> in our opinion, more correct formally. When you introduce an archetype 
> constraint for a C_OBJECT you are in fact creating a definition of a type (a 
> sub-type of the more generic type defined by the reference model class) that 
> will be used to create a subset of instances. We have to distinguish this 
> sub-type from the RM type, and since the class name cannot be changed, the 
> only solution is to use the atNNNN as type identifier. In other words, our 
> interpretation is that atNNNN codes are unique identifiers of each type 
> defined in the archetype, that may be also used to link to the ontology 
> section, but that is the optional part. In fact, the only exception to this 
> would be when you create constraints using a path, because then you are just 
> navigating through the RM but do not change the meaning of the intermediate 
> classes.
> The logic of the tools and the validation checks of archetypes are built 
> based on those interpretations. I agree with Bert in one thing: tools 
> shouldn't change things without notifications, but in this case we face a 
> methodological difference, not just a configuration one, and that's why it is 
> not easy to be solved.
> David

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