Hi Diego,

Confirmed as a bug.

There seems to be a problem with an index on the archetype id and for 
some obscure reason doesn't find the archetype -cvp archetype, but finds 
the -jvp one without problems.
If I remove this index, it works ok. While we investigate the underlying 
issue, I have therefore temporarily removed the index, although it 
(slightly) impacts on performance elsewhere.
In any case, you should now be able to access the url ok.

BTW, greyed out parts in the archetype views indicate that the part has 
not been specialised.
There is nothing much in this archetype that has been specialised as far 
as I can tell except for the concept name - this is why everything in 
the definition is greyed out.


On 13.05.2013 14:04, Diego Bosc? wrote:
> Accessing CKM via web service I have found that the archetype
> openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.intravascular_pressure-cvp.v1 returns an empty
> archetype (0kb size)
> http://openehr.org/ckm/services/ArchetypeFinderBean/getArchetypeInADL?archetypeId=openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.intravascular_pressure-cvp.v1
> Related archetypes
> openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.intravascular_pressure-jvp.v1 and
> openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.intravascular_pressure.v1
> http://openehr.org/ckm/services/ArchetypeFinderBean/getArchetypeInADL?archetypeId=openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.intravascular_pressure-jvp.v1
> http://openehr.org/ckm/services/ArchetypeFinderBean/getArchetypeInADL?archetypeId=openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.intravascular_pressure.v1
> If you visit this archetype on CKM seems ok at first, but for some
> reason archetype definition is all grayed out
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*Dr. Sebastian Garde*
/Dr. sc. hum., Dipl.-Inform. Med, FACHI/
Senior Developer
Ocean Informatics

Skype: gardeseb
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