Op donderdag 21 november 2013 schreef Thomas Beale (
thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com):

> On 21/11/2013 18:35, Leo Simons wrote:
>>    (: from all the items, take the first one, then take all the ones with
>> node id at0009 :)
>>    /*[1][@archetype_node_id=at0009]
>>    (: from all the items, take the first one iff it has node id at0009 :)
>>    /*[@archetype_node_id=at0009 and position()=1]
> i.e., so two predicates in a row act like a pipeline of filters...

Exactly, that is my objection, the example is not a path/location to a
leafnode, but it is a filter, the keyword "and" can be replaced by
"or"  and then something different comes out. Very useful in xPath, but not
in leafnode-location-indicator. So as location-indicator the keyword
"and" is useless, because it cannot be replaced. And that is my second
objection, the use of a meaningless/useless keyword.

The purpose of the path is solely to indicate to which leafnode in an
archetype a DataValue belongs.

>>    [at0009,1]
Exactly, a comma will do, however I currently do not support this, but I
use an index in square brackets [1], but I am going to change that.

So I see, for me, no reason to further discuss this, but I hope others
will, and I am very interested in the outcome.



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