On 11/22/2013 08:07 PM, Thomas Beale wrote:
> I spent a bit of time trawling back through that last discussion on 
> C_OBJECT.node_id (the property that carries at-codes) and whether it 
> should be mandatory or optional, and also whether empty is valid.
> Currently it is mandatory, and can't be empty.
> We need to make the spec work for 2 distinct styles of modelling:
>   * 13606 style  - requires an at-code on every node, but only some
>     have to be defined in the ontology section
>       o in this case, the node codes really are like identifiers only,
>         some of which happen to have a 'meaning' define for them
>       o the result of this is the ability to do more mechanical
>         processing of structures, since absolutely every node has an id.
>   * openEHR / CIMI style - at-codes required according to rules needed
>     to ensure uniqueness; if present, always defined in ontology
>     section; they are optional on any other node;
>       o in this case, the node codes (where they exist) really are
>         codes, and are always defined as terms
>       o the result of this, especially in larger archetypes is far
>         fewer node ids (since very few at leaves), and shorter paths.

Let me split a bit this email, to not get confusing
Hi Thomas, as you probably know, by now, my kernel works with both 
Reference Models, and has AOM as base-definition, every constraint a RM 
puts above that is for the particular Reference Model. The AOM only 
needs to support it, in fact it is the other way around:
A Reference Model which wants to work with ADL-archetypes, must be able 
to fit in the AOM.
I have a question about the mandatory of the node_id. I can read it in 
the specs, you are right, it is there.

It may sound stupid, but that is not how I ever understood this 
requirement. Because C_PRIMITIVE_OBJECT is also derived from C_OBJECT, 
and mostly I see them in OpenEHR-archetypes without node_id.

I checked a few examples and the ADL-parser accepts them with no 
node_id, and returns null for nodeid if there is no nodeid.

In the AOM Java code I find following rule in CObject-constructor
if (nodeID != null && StringUtils.isEmpty(nodeID)) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty nodeID");

In my feeling, this contradicts with the specs. Or am I wrong? Must be 
something stupid I overlook.

Please put me on the right track!

> In theory, in both approaches the ontology section comes out about the 
> same, since the LinkEHR-style ontology only contains at-codes with 
> some 'interesting' or meaningful definition.
> I would think our goal would be that archetypes written by anyone 
> should work in anyone else's tool. At the moment this probably isn't 
> the case:
I think this is because of purpose.
The developers only have their specific purpose in mind, and do not want 
to create an archetype-editor which serves purely the AOM-specs.

At this moment there are only two Reference Models, but it could well be 
possible there are new to come.
Because the AOM concept is very powerful. It can have a life of its own, 
for beyond the purpose of OpenEHR and 13606. Reference models should be, 
as I said, just constraints on the AOM. And if they receive recognition 
in major software-development, then that is a good thing, but it has 
nothing to do with the AOM.

The AOM is (only) a modeling-environment, it must be as wide open as 
possible. So, discussion must not target the internals of the AOM, but 
the reference model.

>   * the AE and ADL workbench would both complain about archetypes with
>     at-codes with no definition in the ontology section
>   * LinkEHR would complain about archetypes that had some nodes with
>     no at-codes
> As Pablo Pazos said in that previous discussion, we should make this work.
Ah, Pablo said so too? Thanks Pablo!!! It is the first time in years 
someone else except me brings this under attention. (as far as I know, 
maybe I missed some)

I had this discussion a few times on this list, let's say, once every 
two years, and it always brought up a mist of arguments, and in the end 
nothing changed.
That was a bit tiresome, so I left it as it is and did my own thing, and 
that was following the AOM as written by Rong.
Which now seems conflicting against the specs? (please enlighten me)

I think it is important, having good tooling is essentially for the 
acceptance of a standard (AOM is part of an ISO standard, as I believe). 
It is really a pity this fact is not well recognized.

The answer does not look to complicated. But maybe, again?, I am 
overlooking complexities.

Talking about ArchetypeEditor GUI, make the in creation of an 
C_PRIMITIVE_OBJECT the addition of a node_id optional. Create an 
archetype-editor so, that it works conform the AOM. And make support of 
the AP optionally.

Shouldn't be that hard. In fact, in my spare hours, I am working on one, 
purely AOM-archetype-editor (but I do not have many spare-hours)

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