On 31-10-14 09:21, Thomas Beale wrote:
>> I know, that's why I asked if it is feasible to incorporate this or 
>> at least something similar in the transitional 1.4+ since it seems a 
>> very important characteristic.
> yes, undoubtedly. I will start a wiki page to try and tease out 
> changes to reverse engineer from ADL 2 into a new ADL 1.5, 1.6 etc. 
> But I'll rely mostly on input of others on this, so this suggestion 
> needs to go there, and any others you have.
I would favor this change, so if there would be a voting, I would vote yes.
I was missing this feature, so I always managed it to handle it by 
misusing text/description.
According http://semver.org/ it would become 1.5: MINOR version when you 
add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner


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