
your general argument is potentially right, at least in some 
circumstances. But don't forget, a v2 archetype is a breaking change 
with respect to v1. With full versioning, it's like with software - 
v2.0.4 compared to say v1.1.0. Where there is a breaking change, it's a 
new archetype. For that reason, the first digit of the version is part 
of the identifier of the archetype.

Under the more advanced ADL 1.5 rules, this is still the case, but has 
been described more accurately in these two documents (in particular, 
the old archetype id the ends in '.v1' etc is now called an 'interface id'):

  * Archetype Object Model (AOM) 1.5
  * Knowledge Artefact Identification

In the second one you will see a section called 'artefact referencing' 
which is exactly on the topic you mention here. So when you see 
'xxxx\.v1' in a slot regex, it's probably correct; the author might want 
to do this: 'xxxx\.v[12]' if they know that v1 and v2 will actually work 
in that slot, but in general that won't be the case.

hope this helps

- thomas

On 25/09/2014 12:06, Diego Bosc? wrote:
> Hi,
> While reviewing CKM archetypes we found that slots are usually
> pointing to other v1 archetypes.
> Shouldn't archetype slots point to any version of the included
> archetypes and not a single archetype? Shouldn't be Templates the ones
> pointing to an specific archetype?
> This is also true even for "archetype and all its children" slots
> (e.g. openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION\.respiration(-[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.v1) in
> which the v1 seems to be even more misplaced as it points to a set of
> archetype v1 by default.
> Probably v1 should be changed to v[0-9]+ (or even v[0-9\.]+)

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