Thanks Ricardo, BTW here is the paper:

Kind regards,
Eng. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez

Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 08:04:47 +0000
Subject: Re: UITemplates for openEHR / towards generic UI definition and        
automatic generation
To: openehr-technical at; openehr-implementers at

Great work Pablo.

A ter, 30/12/2014, 03:23, pablo pazos <pazospablo at> escreveu:

Hi all,
As some might know I did some work around openEHR and UI generation for medical 
records in the EHRGen app. Last year we finished a project at Facultad de 
Ingenier?a ( to improve the solution provided by EHRGen 
to generate UI forms. The solution was a very rudimentary XML UI definition and 
a generator just for web desktop (big screens). Now this solutions has been 
improved a lot, defining a very generic, technology agnostic UITemplate model 
with a lot of possible customizations, with an XML expression.
We have published a paper on this that was presented at INFOLAC2014 
(, and I've the project's documentation. All of this is 
in Spanish only, sorry :(
That project also involved the specification of mappings with specific 
technologies and the creation of a UI generator. Feeding the generator with a 
UITemplate in XML and a mapping file, generates UI artifacts that can be 
integrated into openEHR EHR/EMR developments. With these mappings, we can 
generate HTML5, XHTML, XAML (.Net) or SwiXML (Java Swing) user interfaces, and 
with more extensions/mapping files, the generator can create virtually any UI 
artifact (declarative UI). For example to generate HTML-based screens for 
mobile devices or native mobile screens using a declarative syntax.
Then artifacts should be processed and rendered: HTML is processed by a web 
browser, XAML y processed by Visual Studio to generate win forms or web forms, 
SwiXML specifications are processed by, etc.
I'm working on an specification of the UITemplate model, and later I'll add the 
XML serialization of the model (XSDs included). This will be in English.
For anyone interested on this topic, I kindly ask you to review this doc and 
comment if you find any errors, not so clear descriptions, questions and maybe 
UI requirements not contemplated by the model. All the feedback is very 
welcome! (please consider this is work in progress)


Kind regards,
Eng. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez                                       

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