Hi Pablo,
Just wanted to say well done. I have not had the chance to look at your
work, mainly because work and studies forced me to take a step back from
open source efforts, but it is great to see the continuous progress you're

It is very important that there is an open source implementation of openEHR
out there that is actively developed. Don't worry about the performance
either. If someone wants to use it and they think it is not fast, they
should pay you to make it faster.

I hope it gets adopted and you keep working on it.

All the best

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 5:42 AM, pablo pazos <pazospa...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all!
> I'm very excited to share the good news with all my openEHR friends here.
> We have released EHRServer v0.5! This version is what we could call
> "feature complete", so it includes all the minimum features of a real
> openEHR server, the latest ones related to securing the API, and before
> that, supporting multi-tenancy.
> I'll release user documentation and a full REST API documentation in the
> next couple of days, and will record a demo in English on YouTube via
> Hangout. I made a demo in Spanish not so long ago:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84YiNfkLGMA
> Also, we have a staging server to test the EHRServer*, you are very
> welcome to try it and give us some feedback to continue improving the tool:
> https://cabolabs-ehrserver.rhcloud.com/ehr
> * You can create an account and start using it.
> Note: the server is not so fast, but is usable.
> I'm working hard on v0.6 right now, hopefully we'll have a release before
> February. This version will include fixes to the UI, REST API, and security
> checks, more testing, testable REST API docs, among other things. The focus
> will be on robustness, security, and consistency more than adding new
> features. We can call the EHRServer v0.6 a "production ready" system.
> I started to meet with some friends and colleagues interested on using the
> EHRServer as an open-source openEHR backend. My next focus will be on
> building pilot projects with some companies, to let them try the EHRServer
> and see if it fits their needs and gathering information to improve it. If
> anyone is interested, please give me a ring or ping my by email!
> --
> Kind regards,
> Eng. Pablo Pazos GutiƩrrez
> http://cabolabs.com <http://cabolabs.com/es/home>
> <http://twitter.com/ppazos>
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