Hi Birger,

We do not re-use the created tables for different templates. If template A 
contains a blood pressure archetype, content of the blood pressure are part of 
the table generated from template A. It do the same if template B contains a 
blood pressure archetype. There are no overlay between table A generated from 
template A and table B generated from template B. We do not generate a table to 
store blood pressure data for both template A and template B because we think 
the context of the blood pressure archetype in these two templates are 
different. In addition, we usually only map templates that specilize from 
ENTRY-level archetype into tables because a composition template can queried by 
combining ENTRY-templates instead of generating a new table, which looks 
similar to your approach.

The storage template are actully the union of templates that are specilized 
from same archetype but defined by different clinicians. Therefore the table(s) 
generated from the storage template can meet all the needs of these clinicians 
who express their need by defining template.

Best regards
Jacky Lau

From: openehr-technical-request
Date: 2016-01-26 04:20
To: openehr-technical
Subject: openEHR-technical Digest, Vol 47, Issue 31
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than "Re: Contents of openEHR-technical digest..."
Today's Topics:
   1. Re: Archetype relational mapping - a practical openEHR
      persistence solution (Jan-Marc Verlinden)
   2. Re: openEHR-technical Digest, Vol 47, Issue 26 (Birger Haarbrandt)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 12:13:08 +0000
From: Jan-Marc Verlinden <jan-m...@medvision360.com>
To: For openEHR technical discussions
Subject: Re: Archetype relational mapping - a practical openEHR
persistence solution
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Hi Thomas,
Your solution sounds interesting (looks like postgres hstore). But we are
(very) happy with our current stack, so we will not test it.
Op di 26 jan. 2016 om 12:40 schreef Thomas Beale <thomas.be...@openehr.org>:
> I have not performance tested my own implementation (although I did
> actually build one over a decade ago). But the Informix path system was
> real and performant (they used a hierachical number node code approach e.g.
> 1.2.3, etc). There are others I have read about as well, but I'd
> have to spend a bit of time to track them down, not having looked at it for
> a few years.
> The reason why it can be fast is that you don't have many columns and
> essentially no joins, and you can do extremely efficient matching on number
> spaces to determine the 'type' of something (i.e. whether it is a systolic
> BP or whatever) *before* you decompress the value (a DV_QUANTITY). Then
> you do value comparison (e.g. bp > 160 or whatever) as a second step.
> Before doing any of this, you apply basic AQL logic that cuts out whole
> parts of the DB because their values are not inside (AQL CONTAINS; XML
> '//') the required kind of Composition.
> If you have run an actual study of path-based performance and found it not
> to be working, it would be very interesting to know the details. It may be
> that with some adjustments you can significantly change the performance
> characteristic.
> - thomas
> On 26/01/2016 10:43, Jan-Marc Verlinden wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> *this is also what I would expect. Path-based storage does rely on very
> smart ways to figure match terms in a query to paths of course.*
> Did you test, or is this theoretical?
> Jan-Marc
> _______________________________________________
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical@lists.openehr.org
> http://lists.openehr.org/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical_lists.openehr.org
Jan-Marc Verlinden
MedVision (mobile)
*MedVision BV*
Aagje Dekenkade 71
2251 ZV, Voorschoten
This e-mail message is intended exclusively for the addressee(s). Please 
inform us immediately if you are not the addressee. 
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 13:17:53 +0100
From: Birger Haarbrandt <birger.haarbra...@plri.de>
To: For openEHR technical discussions
Subject: Re: openEHR-technical Digest, Vol 47, Issue 26
Message-ID: <56a763f1.2090...@plri.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"
Hi Jacky,
do you have multiple tables where, for example, blood pressure data is 
stored or do you re-use once created tables for different templates? In 
our architecture, we shred compositions on archetype-level so that all 
data referring to a particular archetype can be queried with and without 
its context. As sparse columns are supported by SQL Server, it's not a 
big deal to have these created.
Am 27.01.2016 um 05:10 schrieb jacky.lauchun...@gmail.com:
> Dear all,
> I am a student of Prof Lu. I was working on the implementation of the 
> ARM approach last year. I'd like to give some more information about 
> our work.
> As Ian McNicoll said, mapping archetype to relational database tables 
> will generate sparse tables. In addition, archetypes can only specify 
> slotted archetypes by wildcards, which may make it difficult to store 
> data from slotted archetypes of templates since there are not tables 
> were generated for slotted archetypes. Therefore, we use "storage 
> templates", an openEHR template (OET) meant for storage purpose, to 
> generate tables. By using the storage templates, columns that are not 
> used will not be generated and slotted archetype can be specified too.
> As Prof Lu said, we do not convert RM into relational database tables. 
> In fact, we convert RM into our mapping rules, i.e., DV_CODED_TEXT 
> should be mapped to code_string, terminology_id and some other columns 
> according to RM. We use these mapping rules to map templates into 
> talbes. By doing this, we actually flatten a storage template into a 
> one-dimensional structure (I'm not sure whether it could be described 
> like this). The generated tables are quite similar to the tables 
> current healthcare information system are using now.
> The mapping process:
> 1. Parse the storage template and archetypes that are used in the 
> template to get a fixed archetype object model
> 2. Generate objects from the fixed archetype object model according to 
> the mapping rules automatically
> 3. Use ORM framework to map the objects into relational database.
> It's true that the schema will grow when the number of storage 
> templates grow. But the schema are generated automatically so that 
> there is no need to maintain them. We only have to maintain the 
> archetypes and templates.
> We also implement the AQL based on the ARM approach. Since we have 
> flattened the template, the transformed SQL are quite few and much 
> like what the current healthcare information system are using now. We 
> have tested its performance. When the size of the return result is 
> small, there is no big difference between with AQL query and SQL 
> query. When the size of the return result grows, the gap between AQL 
> query and SQL grows. It is because AQL query need to assemble the 
> result into dADL format that costs a lot of time. We are working on it 
> now to optimize the AQL performance.
> Best regards
> Jacky Lau
>     *From:* openehr-technical-request
>     <mailto:openehr-technical-requ...@lists.openehr.org>
>     *Date:* 2016-01-26 02:26
>     *To:* openehr-technical <mailto:openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org>
>     *Subject:* openEHR-technical Digest, Vol 47, Issue 26
>     Send openEHR-technical mailing list submissions to
>     openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org
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>     openehr-technical-ow...@lists.openehr.org
>     When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>     than "Re: Contents of openEHR-technical digest..."
>     Today's Topics:
>        1. Re: Archetype relational mapping - a practical openEHR
>           persistence solution (Bert Verhees)
>        2. Re: Archetype relational mapping - a practical openEHR
>           persistence solution (Seref Arikan)
>        3. Re: Archetype relational mapping - a practical openEHR
>           persistence solution (Jan-Marc Verlinden)
>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Message: 1
>     Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 10:51:31 +0100
>     From: Bert Verhees <bert.verh...@rosa.nl>
>     To: openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org
>     Subject: Re: Archetype relational mapping - a practical openEHR
>     persistence solution
>     Message-ID: <56a741a3.6010...@rosa.nl>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"
>     On 26-01-16 10:38, Jan-Marc Verlinden wrote:
>     > # Our first version was Java based with a postgres DB,
>     everything stored
>     > as path/values.
>     > Every query would take about a second. We did not even try complex
>     > queries..:-). Also the GUI side did not know what to do with the
>     > pathvalues.
>     Hi Jan-Marc,
>     There where some problems handling the path/values, most problems
>     were
>     based on giving a semantic meaning to the paths.
>     Storing path and an according a value is very, very quick. I asked
>     database specialists, and they say this is the best way to go until
>     billions of records.
>     Also easy to migrate to another database, for clustering or other
>     reasons.
>     But there are some problems to solve, which were harder to solve five
>     years ago.
>     One problem is the GUI builders, they are looking at a difficult to
>     understand database-approach, and also easy to create errors in,
>     hard to
>     debug.
>     They need JSON to write their datasets in.
>     The other problem is querying. As long as it are predefined
>     queries, you
>     can do anything, but then you are no different from an old monolithic
>     system.
>     But writing new templates heavily relies on on the fly query building
>     There are however, some technological progresses, also in the open
>     source domain.
>     The path/value storage could come to a better life again with help of
>     ANTLR, which can help to interpret AQL for this purpose. I even think
>     this is promising.
>     Let engineers read the Definitive ANTLR4 Reference by Terence
>     Parr, and
>     read it with path/values in the back of the mind. Both the GUI
>     problem
>     as the query problem can be solved.
>     It should be worth the spent time and the price of the book ;-)
>     best regards and good luck
>     Bert Verhees
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>     ------------------------------
>     Message: 2
>     Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 09:52:49 +0000
>     From: Seref Arikan <serefari...@kurumsalteknoloji.com>
>     To: For openEHR technical discussions
>     <openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org>
>     Subject: Re: Archetype relational mapping - a practical openEHR
>     persistence solution
>     Message-ID:
>     <ca+4thdpj5sdty_n-ccn3acbvnz1yqa72-sewvrl2wa6kukp...@mail.gmail.com>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>     Hi Jan-Marc,
>     To clarify: when you say huge: do you mean that the result set is
>     huge, or
>     the the amount of existing data is huge? Are you able to comment
>     on how
>     query performance changes/stays the same when the result set size
>     begins to
>     grow?
>     On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 9:38 AM, Jan-Marc Verlinden <
>     jan-m...@medvision360.com> wrote:
>     > I believe your paper is about performance of an openEHR based
>     system with
>     > a relational database. It does not argues if this is the right
>     approach.
>     > And specifically on the performance we could not agree more...:-).
>     >
>     > In the past year we worked on three different versions, all
>     completely
>     > openEHR compliant. We compared them, so I believe we are entitled to
>     > discuss. Let's see:
>     >
>     >    1. Our first version was Java based with a postgres DB,
>     everything
>     >    stored as path/values.
>     >    Every query would take about a second. We did not even try
>     complex
>     >    queries..:-). Also the GUI side did not know what to do with
>     the pathvalues.
>     >    2. Second version was completely XML based, lots of Java with
>     an Exist
>     >    DB. This version can be found in GitHub.
>     >    Results: a single query over 900 records took 100ms. But the
>     scary
>     >    part was that performance exploded linear, so 90000 would
>     take about 10
>     >    seconds, even for the most simple (already indexed and
>     optimized) query.
>     >    3. Our current stack converts archetypes to an Object model and
>     >    persists this model to postgres. Indeed this needs some fancy
>     tricks
>     >    (@Thomas), but it's doable...:-).
>     >    Performance is comparable with the findings in the paper,
>     even with
>     >    huge queries. Performance is steady at about 1 to 3ms per
>     query. No
>     >    optimization done yet, is not yet needed but could/will make
>     it even faster.
>     >
>     > Cheers, Jan-Marc
>     >
>     > Op di 26 jan. 2016 om 09:55 schreef ??? <lxdlxd7...@gmail.com>:
>     >
>     >> Dear all,
>     >>
>     >> I just found there are lots of comments on our recent paper.
>     Thanks for
>     >> all these comments, I will read them and reply later.
>     >>
>     >> @Shinji, Of course the slides could be shared.
>     >>
>     >> Regards
>     >> Xudong
>     >>
>     >> 2016-01-26 10:44 GMT+08:00 Shinji KOBAYASHI <sk...@moss.gr.jp>:
>     >>
>     >>> Hi Ian and all,
>     >>>
>     >>> We, openEHR Japan had an unconference with Dr Lu and he gave us a
>     >>> presentation for us about this research.
>     >>> I will ask him if the slides would be shareble.
>     >>>
>     >>> Shinji KOBAYASHI
>     >>>
>     >>> 2016-01-25 22:04 GMT+09:00 Ian McNicoll <i...@freshehr.com>:
>     >>>
>     >>>> Interesting paper from China
>     >>>>
>     >>>>
>     >>>>
> http://bmcmedinformdecismak.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12911-015-0212-0
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Ian
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Dr Ian McNicoll
>     >>>> mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
>     >>>> office +44 (0)1536 414994
>     >>>> skype: ianmcnicoll
>     >>>> email: i...@freshehr.com
>     >>>> twitter: @ianmcnicoll
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Co-Chair, openEHR Foundation ian.mcnic...@openehr.org
>     >>>> Director, freshEHR Clinical Informatics Ltd.
>     >>>> Director, HANDIHealth CIC
>     >>>> Hon. Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
>     >>>>
>     >>>> _______________________________________________
>     >>>> openEHR-technical mailing list
>     >>>> openEHR-technical@lists.openehr.org
>     >>>>
>     >>>>
> http://lists.openehr.org/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical_lists.openehr.org
>     >>>>
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> _______________________________________________
>     >>> openEHR-technical mailing list
>     >>> openEHR-technical@lists.openehr.org
>     >>>
>     >>>
> http://lists.openehr.org/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical_lists.openehr.org
>     >>>
>     >>
>     >> _______________________________________________
>     >> openEHR-technical mailing list
>     >> openEHR-technical@lists.openehr.org
>     >>
>     >>
> http://lists.openehr.org/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical_lists.openehr.org
>     >
>     > --
>     >
>     > Jan-Marc Verlinden
>     > MedVision (mobile)
>     >
>     > *MedVision BV*
>     > Aagje Dekenkade 71
>     > 2251 ZV, Voorschoten
>     > www.medvision360.com
>     >
>     > This e-mail message is intended exclusively for the
>     addressee(s). Please
>     > inform us immediately if you are not the addressee.
>     >
>     > _______________________________________________
>     > openEHR-technical mailing list
>     > openEHR-technical@lists.openehr.org
>     >
>     >
> http://lists.openehr.org/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical_lists.openehr.org
>     >
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>     ------------------------------
>     Message: 3
>     Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 10:25:52 +0000
>     From: Jan-Marc Verlinden <jan-m...@medvision360.com>
>     To: For openEHR technical discussions
>     <openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org>
>     Subject: Re: Archetype relational mapping - a practical openEHR
>     persistence solution
>     Message-ID:
>     <CAAwigtU7EfLNECGtaD=V4rSVt9gOZz9x+BxmqTW=yJr9=-d...@mail.gmail.com>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>     Interesting discussion..:-).
>     Concerns for our current architecture:
>        - Should be completely according openEHR IM
>        - Accessible for external developers (front-end) through an API.
>        - KISS; hide all openEHR complexity for GUI developers. So no
>     pathvalues
>        output, just simple GET and PUT.
>        - Scalable, should be able to handle large queries and large
>     datasets
>        without any (huge) challenges.
>        - Providing REST access (Json documents)
>        - Access with Javadocs
>     Some options we compared:
>        - Exist DB is not ACID https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACID. So
>     in fact
>        not usable at all. Also performance sucks.. (we tested).
>        - Oracle rdbms is indeed ACID. You have to convert the
>     archetype (ADL or
>        XML) to XSD, that will be used to store the XML in a relational
>     DB (for
>        better performance).
>        - Like Bert already stated; MarkLogic is somewhat pricey..;-), but
>        -could- provide better performance. We never tested.
>     So we came back to good old postgres and store the archetype
>     Object model
>     into a relational DB straight forward. None of the compared
>     systems could
>     even come close in matters of performance and scalability. In the
>     end we
>     -could- provide XML access alongside with current Json, but no GUI
>     developer asked for it..:-).
>     Other papers that show the same:
>        - Performance of XML Databases for Epidemiological Queries in
>        Archetype-Based EHRs. By Sergio Miranda Freire, Erik Sundvall,
>     Daniel
>        Karlsson and Patrick Lambrix
>     Linda Velte,
>        Tiago Pedrosa, Carlos Costa and Jos? Lu?s Oliveira.
>     Thanks for all input, Jan-Marc
>     Op di 26 jan. 2016 om 10:38 schreef Jan-Marc Verlinden <
>     jan-m...@medvision360.com>:
>     > I believe your paper is about performance of an openEHR based
>     system with
>     > a relational database. It does not argues if this is the right
>     approach.
>     > And specifically on the performance we could not agree more...:-).
>     >
>     > In the past year we worked on three different versions, all
>     completely
>     > openEHR compliant. We compared them, so I believe we are entitled to
>     > discuss. Let's see:
>     >
>     >    1. Our first version was Java based with a postgres DB,
>     everything
>     >    stored as path/values.
>     >    Every query would take about a second. We did not even try
>     complex
>     >    queries..:-). Also the GUI side did not know what to do with
>     the pathvalues.
>     >    2. Second version was completely XML based, lots of Java with
>     an Exist
>     >    DB. This version can be found in GitHub.
>     >    Results: a single query over 900 records took 100ms. But the
>     scary
>     >    part was that performance exploded linear, so 90000 would
>     take about 10
>     >    seconds, even for the most simple (already indexed and
>     optimized) query.
>     >    3. Our current stack converts archetypes to an Object model and
>     >    persists this model to postgres. Indeed this needs some fancy
>     tricks
>     >    (@Thomas), but it's doable...:-).
>     >    Performance is comparable with the findings in the paper,
>     even with
>     >    huge queries. Performance is steady at about 1 to 3ms per
>     query. No
>     >    optimization done yet, is not yet needed but could/will make
>     it even faster.
>     >
>     > Cheers, Jan-Marc
>     >
>     > Op di 26 jan. 2016 om 09:55 schreef ??? <lxdlxd7...@gmail.com>:
>     >
>     >> Dear all,
>     >>
>     >> I just found there are lots of comments on our recent paper.
>     Thanks for
>     >> all these comments, I will read them and reply later.
>     >>
>     >> @Shinji, Of course the slides could be shared.
>     >>
>     >> Regards
>     >> Xudong
>     >>
>     >> 2016-01-26 10:44 GMT+08:00 Shinji KOBAYASHI <sk...@moss.gr.jp>:
>     >>
>     >>> Hi Ian and all,
>     >>>
>     >>> We, openEHR Japan had an unconference with Dr Lu and he gave us a
>     >>> presentation for us about this research.
>     >>> I will ask him if the slides would be shareble.
>     >>>
>     >>> Shinji KOBAYASHI
>     >>>
>     >>> 2016-01-25 22:04 GMT+09:00 Ian McNicoll <i...@freshehr.com>:
>     >>>
>     >>>> Interesting paper from China
>     >>>>
>     >>>>
>     >>>>
> http://bmcmedinformdecismak.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12911-015-0212-0
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Ian
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Dr Ian McNicoll
>     >>>> mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
>     >>>> office +44 (0)1536 414994
>     >>>> skype: ianmcnicoll
>     >>>> email: i...@freshehr.com
>     >>>> twitter: @ianmcnicoll
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Co-Chair, openEHR Foundation ian.mcnic...@openehr.org
>     >>>> Director, freshEHR Clinical Informatics Ltd.
>     >>>> Director, HANDIHealth CIC
>     >>>> Hon. Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
>     >>>>
>     >>>> _______________________________________________
>     >>>> openEHR-technical mailing list
>     >>>> openEHR-technical@lists.openehr.org
>     >>>>
>     >>>>
> http://lists.openehr.org/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical_lists.openehr.org
>     >>>>
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> _______________________________________________
>     >>> openEHR-technical mailing list
>     >>> openEHR-technical@lists.openehr.org
>     >>>
>     >>>
> http://lists.openehr.org/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical_lists.openehr.org
>     >>>
>     >>
>     >> _______________________________________________
>     >> openEHR-technical mailing list
>     >> openEHR-technical@lists.openehr.org
>     >>
>     >>
> http://lists.openehr.org/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical_lists.openehr.org
>     >
>     > --
>     >
>     > Jan-Marc Verlinden
>     > MedVision (mobile)
>     >
>     -- 
>     Jan-Marc Verlinden
>     MedVision (mobile)
>     -- 
>     *MedVision BV*
>     Aagje Dekenkade 71
>     2251 ZV, Voorschoten
>     www.medvision360.com
>     This e-mail message is intended exclusively for the addressee(s).
>     Please
>     inform us immediately if you are not the addressee.
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>     ------------------------------
>     End of openEHR-technical Digest, Vol 47, Issue 26
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*Birger Haarbrandt, M.Sc.*
Peter L. Reichertz Institut f?r Medizinische Informatik
Technische Universit?t Braunschweig und
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
M?hlenpfordtstra?e 23
D-38106 Braunschweig
T +49 (0)531 391-2129
F +49 (0)531 391-9502
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