The problem is not to filter in data. The most important feature to support is 
to filter out data. 
The proposed solution is to add a new category code to add a new group of 
Compositions which by default is sorted out. 
This could be done by archetypes. But that creates the need for the 
implementations to add new filters as new archetypes are developed. If we agree 
that there is a large group of "report" compositions with only referred data 
from their primary sources - then we should make this a first class citizen of 
the openEHR domain model. 

The discussions about links: 
Yes we could use links. But where should we add the links? From my point of 
view the only place to add these lnks would be on the composition root. But 
then you miss the opportunity to add relationship between links. And there is a 
large group of archetyped compositions that is added into to EHR , but they are 
transported to another system on some other information model (HL7, EDIFACT, 
PDF, Paper, etc.). The simple idea behind this proposal is to define a generic 
system to create openEHR compositions that is the primary source for all this 
kind of messages. The only needed thing is to either use TDD or some other 
transformation of a "compiled" composition.  As far as I can see now this is 
the simplest and most efficient way to handle this. Then the content may be 
archetyped and the transformation could work directly on the RM model to create 
the expected outcome.

Best regards
Bjørn Næss
Product owner 

Mobil +47 93 43 29 10

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: openEHR-technical [] På 
vegne av Thomas Beale
Sendt: fredag 11. mars 2016 14.12
Emne: Re: SV: Usage of Compositoin.Category

Currently I think we filter on 'report' COMPOSITIONs via something like:


So that would not need any change to the COMPOSITION.category to be achieved. 
Not saying there are not reasons to do it, just that the normal way today seems 
to satisfy the requirement.

Secondly, just a mechanical AQL thing: it should normally be possible to do:

WHERE c/category/defining_code matches {[openehr::434]}

- thomas

On 10/03/2016 12:32, Bjørn Næss wrote:
> Hi Ian
> Great response.
> The most important thing for me is to precisely define the semantic meaning 
> of the content in a composition. In this specific use-case the content of the 
> composition is always a copy of the primary source.
> This means that the Discharge letter only bring one new thing into the EHR - 
> that is the fact that there is an approved discharge letter. But the entries 
> in the composition is link and copies of entries in other primary sources.
> The requirements to the system is quite small:
> * Content of "report" documents MUST not be in the resultset when doing 
> normal AQL queries.
> * It MUST be possible to query for "report" compositions with specific 
> content.
> The solution to this problem is simple and I can give an example with an AQL 
> query. Below is a standard query for body weight. Look at the WHERE 
> condition. Here I am looking for all body weights which are NOT part of a 
> report composition. This WHERE condition will be the default filter on all 
> queries.
> If the client would like to query for all body weights in report document, 
> then just change from NOT EQUALS 434 to EQUALS 434.
>       SELECT 
> o/data[at0002]/events[at0003]/data[at0001]/items[at0004]/value/magnitude
>       WHERE c/category/defining_code/terminology_id/value = 'openehr'AND 
> c/category/defining_code/code_string != '434'
> Given that we agree that there is a class of compositions which belongs to 
> the "report" group.
> Then we should add such semantic into the RM to make it precise and 
> consistent.
> Best regards
> Bjørn Næss
> Product owner
> Mobil +47 93 43 29 10

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