Hello Eneimi

The Data Value entities hold information on which terminology a specific encoded term may be coming from to enforce further data validation.

What you describe in your question, involving FHIR, is what happens when you interact with a terminology server (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminology_server).

openEHR itself does not specify the terminology server part (yet), which is what you would use if you wanted to lookup the codes that will then makeup your values.

The binding can be handled in a number of ways. You could create your own simple lookup service based on the raw datasets of ICD, READ, SNOMED, LOINC and others as it was done in OSHIP (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~higorpinto/oship/cr-ehr/view/head:/oship/src/oship/rxterms/createrxterms.py), use LexBIG (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2732233/) as it was done in opereffa (http://www.openehr.org/pt/news_events/releases.php?id=33) or CTS (http://clinfowiki.org/wiki/index.php/Common_Terminology_Services) as in the LinkEHR editor (http://linkehr.com/).

Hope this helps.

All the best
Athanasios Anastasiou
Lecturer in Health Data Science | Darlithydd mewn Gwyddoniaeth Data Iechyd

Data Science Building (First Floor) | Yr Adeilad Gwyddor Data (Llawr Cyntaf)
Swansea University Medical School | Ysgol Feddygaeth Prifysgol
Singleton Park | Parc Singleton
Wales, United Kingdom | Cymru, Y Deyrnas Unedig

Phone | Ffôn +44 (0) 1792 60 6292
Email | Ebost a.anastas...@swansea.ac.uk

On 03/05/2016 12:24, Eneimi Allwell-Brown wrote:

Can I get  some insight into how terminology bindings work in openEHR,
or how they are supposed to work?

It appears openEHR supports multiple terminologies, in addition to its
own internal coding structure (atxxxx). I think there’s a whole
terminology service dedicated to this. But my confusion is how to
implement the feature.

In the Ocean Template designer as well as the Archetype editor, there
are features that allow us specify what terminology we want to use and
to ‘manually’ input the codes we want to represent. Some data elements
already have fixed ‘Valuesets’ (e.g. Regular, Irregular as Coded_text
values for the ‘Regular?’ element in the Pulse archetype).

When I use free online tools to create a FHIR resource for upload to a
FHIR repository, where ‘CodeableConcepts’ exist the form field has a
code/database lookup service to LOINC, SNOMED CT, internal FHIR codes
etc., so that as I enter the first three characters of the concept I
want the system presents a list of options which I can override if I
don’t find what I want. When I select the concept I want, the system
inputs the correct code as well as the URL of the source terminology

I want to imagine openEHR supports this sort of ‘lookup’ to existing
terminologies, but how do I accomplish this? Otherwise how does it
handle terminology binding?


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