
The Swedish Government is financing and handing out a Personal Health Record 
service/platform to the Swedes. Now developers can find info about it at 

It seems to be based on CHBase http://www.getrealhealth.com/chbase/ that uses 
many of the API features equal or similar to Microsoft Health Vault.

The health-related PHR models are fairly simple (not many datapoints/details) 
and there are not very many models. The main ones are listed at 
http://developer.halsaformig.se/Reference/DataTypeMapping  and if you register 
for a free developer-account at https://developer.chbase.com/ you can read more 
details, for example this:

  *   Extending data types at 
https://developer.chbase.com/chbase/en-US/docs/Develop/Dn783274 that tells many 
things* including that any datatype can be extended by arbitrary XML as long as 
there is a transform backt to HTML registered with URI.
  *   HL7 FHIR integrations are being worked on.

Now to the questions:

  *   Have any of you already looked into openEHR mappings to/from CHBase or 
Microsoft Health Vault?
  *   The extension mechanism in CHBase is very permissive, using free-form 
XML, that could of course lead to semantc chaos with several overlapping 
incompatible extensions for the same kind of clinical data. I guess it could 
aslo be used to carry some suitable forms of openEHR-data in a more diciplined 
reusable manner. Any thoughts about that?
  *   Would it be a good idea to define a canonical way of storing openEHR data 
in CHBase/HealthVault so that all openEHR-based systems interacting with those 
products do it the same way and thus can exchange the semantically richer 
openEHR-based data as extensions via the PHRs? (Useful in the cases where that 
is the one of the few viable ways due to legal restrictions etc. Of course that 
is an unnecessary detour in the cases when you are allowed to do direct native 
communication between openEHR systems.)

(I guess this would be a suitable task for master-thesis students or beginning 

Best regards

Erik Sundvall 

Ph.D. Medical Informatics. Information Architect. Tel: +46-72-524 54 55 (or 
010-1036252 in Sweden)
(previously lio.se) http://www.regionostergotland.se/cmit/
LiU: erik.sundv...@liu.se<mailto:erik.sundv...@liu.se/t_blank> 

*) Excerpt from https://developer.chbase.com/chbase/en-US/docs/Develop/Dn783274 

When building your application, you may find that you need to store additional 
information with an existing data type. For example, if you are using the 
Height data type, but you want to keep track of whether people were sleeping 
immediately before height was measured because the spine compresses during the 
day. The question is whether to:

  *   Incorporate this information into the existing base data type
  *   Use some other existing data type
  *   Ask the CHBase developers to create a new data type
  *   Extend the existing data type

To determine the appropriate course of action, inquire in the CHBase 

If the response to your inquiry is that the additional information should be 
stored as an extension of an existing type, you use the 
 property of the 
 object returned by the HealthRecordItem . . :: . . 
 property, which is a collection of 
 objects. By default, there's nothing in this list. If you have an instance and 
you add an extension instance to it, the framework saves that instance to the 
server and returns it when you read that instance back out.

CHBase data types can be extended by inserting XML into the 
HealthRecordItemExtension or by using a custom extension class. In the first 
method, you work with the XML details, which can be a bit clumsy. In the second 
method, you encapsulate the information in a class.
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