Hi Pablo,

even if it is for archetypes not in Git, it is still better to create a 'repository' and within that a 'library' containing the archetypes you work on - that's the normal working approach.

I agree that the ad hoc 'Open' function should always work - can you raise an issue on the adl-tools Git tracker? I'll need some details on whether you had any repositories configured (I suspect you don't, and I've never tested that situation, it's probably the problem).


- thomas

On 17/06/2016 21:23, pablo pazos wrote:
Thanks Thomas,

I would say that is a common use case when you are creating archetypes, since the validation rules are not in the AE, I create the adl using AE but see the validation errors on the ADLWB.

Also, I would consider not everyone has git installed. Think of a modeling workshop with doctors :)

Considering that, I would say we need the File > Open to work for prototyping, testing and training.

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