Hi Pablo,

for clinical modellers I completely agree. It is mostly technical people - tool writers who work with the syntax form of things. But at the end of the day, it is them who build the systems and who must understand every last subtlety of the semantics of any of the languages we use - ADL, AQL, ODIN, SNOMED constraint syntax, just as for the mainstream languages they use, i.e. Java, C#, OWL, and so on.

Determining a clean syntax for any part of a specification is part of designing what that specification is about (for specifications that have a syntax aspect). At the moment ADL, ODIN, BMM, and AQL are all cleartext context-free syntaxes. Yes they tend to be read and written by tools in operational circumstances, but to ignore the syntax is to ignore the activities of learning, developing, testing, and debugging.

Imagine trying to teach someone programming with no recourse to a programming language, only in-memory compiler structures.

Getting language right corresponds to obtaining clarity in a formalism. Working on the tools is of course a big priority, but a different exercise and (generally) people - it's a software development exercise. But they are linked. I'll give you an example. To implement an archetype flattener properly, as in the ADL Workbench, you need to know an algorithm for flattening two archetypes. That means understanding the differential form of archetypes. That means understanding paths, node ids and many other elements of archetypes. This is all primarily described in the ADL2 spec <http://www.openehr.org/releases/AM/latest/docs/ADL2/ADL2.html#_specialisation> because that is the easiest way to comprehend it. Some elements are described in the AOM2 spec, but it's harder to see, since now we are talking in-memory object structures defined by class models.

So I remain convinced that languages have an important role to play in our design, learning and understanding of things. Others may disagree ;)

- thomas

On 18/05/2017 16:22, Pablo Pazos wrote:
I really believe we should be teaching using tools not reading syntax, specially for clinical modelers. If we are doing that right now is because tools lack usability, features and maturity.

For techies, we like to look at the syntax because we need to parse and process it.

I'm not against improving the syntax, but since we don't have much resources as a community, shouldn't we focus were the real problem is with tools instead of patching the specs?

Maybe clinical modelers can help software vendors on improving their tools and to create new ones to help on the modeling process, and there are some vendors creating such tools already but don't have input from the community.

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