Hi Gerard,

On 07/06/2017 07:46, GF wrote:
Dear Silje,

Questions in questionnaire are observations.
But what is it, when a Scale makes use of existing data in the database and calculates an aggregate result?
(E.g. BMI)
Isn’t the latter an evaluation of existing observations by means of a rule?

Just on this question - a BMI might be computed, but it's still just a datum relating to an 'individual', as ontologists would say, so it's an OBSERVATION in openEHR terms. An EVALUATION is a opinion generated by comparing fact(s) about an individual to a knowledge based in order to classify the individual in some way, e.g. 'overweight'.

In the case of BMI the weight and length are real observable properties of a (human) body. Question: Is the BMI an observable property? I think not. It is an aggregate, an evaluation.

not observable in the literal sense, but the view we take in openEHR is that an Observation is the apprehension of data relating to the individual, by means of examination and / or instruments. A BMI clearly falls under this category of information.

It can be the basis for an Evaluation if compared to some BMI normal ranges, to generate an Evaluation such as 'overweight', as above - this is an inference. A machine might do this.

Someone will probably bring up scores like Apgar, and say they are some sort of inference, since the constituent scores are based on statistical/clinical pictures of what is healthy or not (e.g. HR >= 100 bpm etc). Philosophically speaking, this is true, and in theory they should be an EVALUATION. For practical reasons they are generally modelled as OBSERVATIONs, since they tend to act as a means of reporting physical examinations (in a quantitative way), and they get used as triage variables for determining which treatment path to follow.

In a more perfect world, scores might have their own ENTRY type, but I don't think the lack of it has done any harm to date.

- thomas

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