Hi Seref,
Quite some discussion you already had on this topic last year. The examples are a bit hard to grasp because of their complexity in size. Although they are not really that extremely complex but perhaps the problems should be discussed with the least complex examples as possible.

I would think it more understandable if it were explicitely described in the API documentation that all result data is generally encoded in JSON (with a link/reference to the corresponding reference model page). But that wouldn't be sufficient. The description of the encoding concerns not only how a single element is encoded but even more how collections are encoded. Those collections are not ITEM_LISTs or any other part of the reference model of openEHR because they are formed at the moment the query is executed. When in the example from the API the "uid"-member of "c" is assumed to be of the type ITEM_LIST (or any other collection type) and the member "value" of "uid" were a primitive, the requested column "c/uid/value" represents a collections although the "value"s themselves are primitves. This can't be handled with a generic object-serialization mechanism. The only object containing all desired "value"s is the parent "c" object. This could be generically serialized, but it isn't requested in the query. So there has to be an iteration over all "value"s,which can themselves be serialized, but all their resulting JSON-Strings would have to be concatenated (externally from the serializing mechanisms) and written to the same result cell. Or, when no concatenation is desired, some solution with something like a Cartesian product would be needed.

How do the commercial implementations of AQL like the software from Marand handle this stuff ?


Dipl.-Inf. Georg Fette      Raum: B009
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