On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 12:11:22 -0700
Andre McCurdy <armccu...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> In the readahead example, the first syscall argument is the
> 32bit file descriptor (which will be passed to the kernel in r0),
> therefore a padding argument is required to fill r1 and ensure that
> the first word of the 64bit offset gets passed in r2.


> The above is completely specific to ARM 32bit EABI. I guess *similar*
> issues may apply to some other 32bit architectures (as suggested in
> the manpage). It's certainly not an issue with is generic to all 32bit
> targets though.

I was wondering about 64-bit EABI. The man page didn't say "32-bit
EABI", it said "EABI". The information that you don't need to do that
on at least some ARM EABI arguably makes this *worse*, rather than
*better*, from the standpoint of "how do I write correct code for
this". So this appears to be at least partially a documentation error,
although it's quite possible that the text predates the question having
come up.

But it does also mean that it should be harmless to us in this case.

> If syscall(), or a wrapper for it, *does* need to interpret the
> arguments for a particular syscall then the syscall() implementation
> would have to also agree with the interpretation of the data defined
> by the kernel.


My basic concern is that I don't think I have enough information to
produce a Provably Correct handling for syscall arguments in the
presence of at least one architecture where argument order can change
for at least one syscall.

... That said, an actual *correct* wrapper for renameat2 turns out
to be surprisingly hard, mostly because EXCHANGE is impossible to do
with pseudo's current IPC data structure.

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