Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M4 final close out.

Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M4 release is 4/27/18

SWAT Team Rotation:

SWAT lead is currently: Tracy.

SWAT team rotation: Tracy -> Stephano on April 20, 2018

SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Maxin on April 27, 2018

Key Status/Updates:

  *   2.5 M3 was released. There were some issues but we have decided to target 
these for the final release rather than respinning M3.
  *   Our automated testing shows problems but only on machines in Asia. This 
was root caused to the timezone settings of the builds. We have therefore moved 
some of the reproducibility code to be the default (TZ setting) in order to 
have consistent builds.
  *   Fedora28 has necessitated a late uninative upgrade which is due to merge 
for 2.5 but may have an issue still to resolve (rpm-native popt issue).
  *   The final 2.5 build is blocked on the fedora28 issue above and the two 
remaining build issues we are seeing on debian9 machine the QA team has. Our 
main autobuilder debian9 builds are ok.
  *   Master-next still has a number of recipe upgrades queued which are being 
rebased continually. We still want to discourage people from sending recipe 
upgrades until we start 2.6; however, there were simply too many patches to 
ignore. This has meant various people and build resources have ended up 
distracted from 2.5 work.
  *   For 2.6 we are looking at a slightly different planning process. In the 
next monthly team call we will discuss the plans for 2.6. The agenda will be 
seeded with some high level ideas/goals about what we may be able to do in 2.6. 
It will then be up to the Yocto Project members and community to decide if they 
can contribute the time and resources to make them happen (or add to the list). 
If you are able to work on something in 2.6 please let us know or come to the 
meeting and discuss it with us so that we can ensure we have an accurate plan! 
A separate announcement email will be sent out about this in the next few days.

Planned upcoming dot releases:

YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built after 2.5

YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built after 2.5

YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for post YP 2.5.

Key YP 2.5 Dates are:

YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18

YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18

Tracking Metrics:

            WDD 2573 (last week 2570)


Key Status Links for YP:

The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this 
weekly status update, let us know!]

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