Richard, et. al.

I have two patches (ptest-runner, bash) that enable all but two [*]
of the bash-ptests to pass. A potential problem is that when started by
ptest-runner, 'su' (both busybox and util-linux versions), results in
a few of bash's tests failing whereas they work if started by 'runuser'.
The test failure is due to a warning:
    bash: cannot set terminal process group (16036): \
          Inappropriate ioctl for device
that contaminates the test logs and makes a diff with the expected
results fail. I can easily redirect that warning to /dev/null but
that seems wrong and would be a patch that we'd have to carry in

To get 'runuser' from util-linux into an image, it seems that you need:
 - the RDEPENDS for ptest,
 - to set the 'pam' DISTRO_FEATURE in your local.conf.

Is that something you are willing to do for all ptests or perhaps just
for bash's ptests?  If so, I'll clean-up my ptest-runner patch and
send this to the list.

I also considered using util-linux's 'setpriv' but enabling that
has turned into a mess of dependency loops and other build problems.
man runuser:
   If the PAM session is not required then recommended solution
   is to use setpriv(1) command.

Other solutions to properly starting user tests from root are welcome!

Thanks in advance,
# Randy MacLeod
# Wind River Linux

[*] FYI, the two remaining failures are:

  # cat tests/read6.sub
  # test read with a timeout of 0 -- input polling
  # sleep with fractional seconds argument is not universal
  echo abcde | { sleep 0.25 2>/dev/null ; read -t 0; }
  echo $?

  read -t 0 < $0
  echo $?

  read -t 0
  echo $? <-- returns 1, when 0 is expected.

I can reproduce this on my workstation but only when using ptest-runner
and initially logging into the console as root. That's a little odd and
seems like I need to continue to improve ptest-runner.


  # cat tests/trap3.sub
  PS4='+[$LINENO] '
  trap 'echo trap: $LINENO' ERR

  set -x

  echo 1
  echo 2
  echo 3 | cat | false <--- error
  echo 4

This is a scheduler behaviour difference between the common case
on a workstation and the common case in qemu. The test case does
warn about the completion order not being deterministic so I plan
to ignore it.

From tests/run-trap:
  UNIX versions number signals and schedule processes differently.
  If output differing only in line numbers is produced, please
  do not consider this a test failure.

Still, it's notable and slightly odd that the common case output
is different.
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