
First, I was using 2.6.  I tried under 2.7 and got the same issue.

I need to have the root filesystem be a logical volume.

I updated my core-image-minimal-initramfs.bbappend to include the following:

PACKAGE_INSTALL_append = " lvm2"

The gets the lvm2 commands into the initramfs.  I can now run pvcreate, 
vgcreate and lvcreate in my custom initrdscripts/files/init-install-efi.sh 

pvcreate $rootfs
vgcreate vg_root $rootfs
lvcreate -n lv_root -l 95%VG vg_root
mkfs.ext4 -F -O 64bit $rootfs

All of the above run successfully.

I then try to update the loader file with the UUID of the logical volume

rootuuid=$(blkid -o value -s UUID ${rootfs})
sed -i "s@options *@options root=UUID=$rootuuid rw rootwait quiet @" 

These too are successful.  At least the appropriate changes are made.  
Unfortunately I do not think I am putting in all of the appropriate changes.

When I boot, the system hangs waiting for root device.  I do not see any 
messages in the boot output showing anything is trying to start any LVM 
services or run any LVM commands.  So, I am guessing I am missing items in the 
options line.

I've tried manually editing the boot command when booting, but nothing has 
worked.  I've tried adding lvm to the line, changing the root entry, etc.  The 
boot always hangs waiting for the root device.

I did not find anything useful online.  So, asking here.  If there is something 
online that would help, please point me in the right direction.

If there is nothing, can anyone here help me get my openembedded linux OS to 
boot off of a root logical volume?

Thank you in advance

Lewis Muhlenkamp

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