On 22.02.22 18:50, Ross Burton wrote:
On Tue, 22 Feb 2022 at 17:01, Konrad Weihmann <kweihm...@outlook.com> wrote:
This is somehow expected from my side tbh - as the lock file disables
any kind of parallelism - so just one instance of cve-check-task can run
at a time.
One thing that came to my mind is to move the created CVE_CHECK-sqlite
db into the recipe-sysroot before running the task (currently it resides
in DL_DIR), so each task would run on its own copy of the db - that
would avoid having multiple access call to the same file while enabling
us to remove the arbitrary task lock.

Hang on - surely the cve_check tasks are read-only, so why do we need
to lock the database?


TBH I don't know - I (and Ralph confirmed that) see occasionally this error from the original patch. As I mentioned I lack the experience with sqlite to get to the bottom of it - all I can say is that since the task lock had been merged I'm error free in all the pipelines I monitor
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