On Thu, 2022-04-28 at 09:47 -0400, bruce.ashfi...@gmail.com wrote:
> From: Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfi...@gmail.com>
> Richard,
> This is mainly a resend of the pull request that I sent just before
> the release builds.
> At that time, there was a ppc boot issue, which I've fixed. There was
> also a ptest warning, which I couldn't reproduce, so let's see if it
> pops back up on the AB.
> There is also a known issue with some of the arm reorganization done
> for the -tiny cleaup. Jon has been working on fixes to that series, and
> I've cc'd him here so he can add context. It was some boot issues,
> even in the -standard kernel for sato (last I checked).
> The issue with the ARM changes is that they've already been pushed
> to my repos, so everything stacks on top. If we can't get them fixed
> shortly, I can temporarily revert and do a new patch on top.
> Khem has also indicated that the 5.15.36 -stable has all of the changes
> required for gcc12, so it would be a good bump to get under test.

The testing says this is mostly good with two issues. Firstly, strace ptests are

and I suspect:
will too when it finishes.

There was another patch causing other ptest failures so I had to do a second
pass but I think the strace issue above is from a kernel change.

Secondly, qemuarm graphics fails:


I did try adding Jon's other qemuarm patches:


and it still fails. I've not looked further as yet, just reporting what the
varoious combinations of patches in testing showed.



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