On 2022-05-06 03:15, Alexander Kanavin wrote:
This is a lot of code. Can you add some documentation for it, what it
does and how it works? If someone would want to understand it, how
would they go about it?


On Fri, 6 May 2022 at 09:00, Stefan Herbrechtsmeier
<stefan.herbrechtsmeier-...@weidmueller.com> wrote:

From: Lukas Funke <lukas.fu...@weidmueller.com>

Signed-off-by: Lukas Funke <lukas.fu...@weidmueller.com>
Signed-off-by: Stefan Herbrechtsmeier <stefan.herbrechtsme...@weidmueller.com>

  scripts/lib/recipetool/create_go.py | 394 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 394 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 scripts/lib/recipetool/create_go.py

diff --git a/scripts/lib/recipetool/create_go.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4552e9b470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/recipetool/create_go.py
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+# Recipe creation tool - go support plugin
+# Copyright (C) 2022 Weidmueller GmbH & Co KG
+# Author: Lukas Funke <lukas.fu...@weidmueller.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause AND GPL-2.0-only
+import bb.utils
+from collections import namedtuple
+from enum import Enum
+from html.parser import HTMLParser
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError
+import urllib.parse
+import urllib.request
+from recipetool.create import RecipeHandler, handle_license_vars, 
+GoImport = namedtuple('GoImport', 'reporoot vcs repourl suffix')
+logger = logging.getLogger('recipetool')
+tinfoil = None
+re_pseudo_semver = 
+re_semver = 
+def tinfoil_init(instance):
+    global tinfoil
+    tinfoil = instance
+class GoRecipeHandler(RecipeHandler):
+    def _resolve_repository_static(self, modulepath):
+        _rootpath = None
+        _vcs = None
+        _repourl = None
+        _suffix = None
+        host, _, path = modulepath.partition('/')
+        class vcs(Enum):
+            pathprefix = "pathprefix"
+            regexp = "regexp"
+            vcs = "vcs"
+            repo = "repo"
+            check = "check"
+            schemelessRepo = "schemelessRepo"
+        # GitHub
+        vcsGitHub = {}
+        vcsGitHub[vcs.pathprefix] = "github.com"
+        vcsGitHub[vcs.regexp] = 
+        vcsGitHub[vcs.vcs] = "git"
+        vcsGitHub[vcs.repo] = "https://\g<root>"
+        # Bitbucket
+        vcsBitbucket = {}
+        vcsBitbucket[vcs.pathprefix] = "bitbucket.org"
+        vcsBitbucket[vcs.regexp] = 
+        vcsBitbucket[vcs.vcs] = "git"
+        vcsBitbucket[vcs.repo] = "https://\g<root>"
+        # IBM DevOps Services (JazzHub)
+        vcsIBMDevOps = {}
+        vcsIBMDevOps[vcs.pathprefix] = "hub.jazz.net/git"
+        vcsIBMDevOps[vcs.regexp] = 
+        vcsIBMDevOps[vcs.vcs] = "git"
+        vcsIBMDevOps[vcs.repo] = "https://\g<root>"
+        # Git at Apache
+        vcsApacheGit = {}
+        vcsApacheGit[vcs.pathprefix] = "git.apache.org"
+        vcsApacheGit[vcs.regexp] = 
+        vcsApacheGit[vcs.vcs] = "git"
+        vcsApacheGit[vcs.repo] = "https://\g<root>"
+        # Git at OpenStack
+        vcsOpenStackGit = {}
+        vcsOpenStackGit[vcs.pathprefix] = "git.openstack.org"
+        vcsOpenStackGit[vcs.regexp] = 
+        vcsOpenStackGit[vcs.vcs] = "git"
+        vcsOpenStackGit[vcs.repo] = "https://\g<root>"
+        # chiselapp.com for fossil
+        vcsChiselapp = {}
+        vcsChiselapp[vcs.pathprefix] = "chiselapp.com"
+        vcsChiselapp[vcs.regexp] = 
+        vcsChiselapp[vcs.vcs] = "fossil"
+        vcsChiselapp[vcs.repo] = "https://\g<root>"
+        # General syntax for any server.
+        # Must be last.
+        vcsGeneralServer = {}
+        vcsGeneralServer[vcs.regexp] = 
+        vcsGeneralServer[vcs.schemelessRepo] = True
+        vcsPaths = [vcsGitHub, vcsBitbucket, vcsIBMDevOps, vcsApacheGit, 
vcsOpenStackGit, vcsChiselapp, vcsGeneralServer]
+        if modulepath.startswith("example.net") or modulepath == "rsc.io":
+            logger.warning("Suspicious module path %s" % modulepath)
+            return None
+        if modulepath.startswith("http:") or modulepath.startswith("https:"):
+            logger.warning("Import path should not start with %s %s" % ("http", 
+            return None
+        for srv in vcsPaths:
+            m = srv[vcs.regexp].match(modulepath)
+            if vcs.pathprefix in srv:
+                if host == srv[vcs.pathprefix]:
+                    _rootpath = m.group('root')
+                    _vcs = srv[vcs.vcs]
+                    _repourl = m.expand(srv[vcs.repo])
+                    _suffix = m.group('suffix')
+                    break
+            elif m and srv[vcs.schemelessRepo]:
+                _rootpath = m.group('root')
+                _vcs = m[vcs.vcs]
+                _repourl = m[vcs.repo]
+                _suffix = m.group('suffix')
+                break
+        return GoImport(_rootpath, _vcs, _repourl, _suffix)
+    def _resolve_repository_dynamic(self, modulepath):
+        url = urllib.parse.urlparse("https://"; + modulepath)
+        class GoImportHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
+            def __init__(self):
+                super().__init__()
+                self.__srv = []
+            def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+                if tag == 'meta' and list(filter(lambda a: (a[0] == 'name' and 
a[1] == 'go-import'), attrs)):
+                    content = list(filter(lambda a: (a[0] == 'content'), 
+                    if content:
+                        self.__srv = content[0][1].split()
+            @property
+            def rootpath(self):
+                return self.__srv[0]
+            @property
+            def vcs(self):
+                return self.__srv[1]
+            @property
+            def repourl(self):
+                return self.__srv[2]
+        req = urllib.request.Request(url.geturl() + "?go-get=1")
+        try:
+            resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
+        except URLError as url_err:
+            logger.error("Error while fetching redirect page: %s", 
+            return None
+        except HTTPError as http_err:
+            logger.error("Error while fetching redirect page: %s", 
+            return None
+        parser = GoImportHTMLParser()
+        parser.feed(resp.read().decode('utf-8'))
+        parser.close()
+        return GoImport(parser.rootpath, parser.vcs, parser.repourl, None)

Attempting this on minio client

recipetool create -o ./maa https://github.com/minio/mc \
  -S b5a0640899f8f8653bcacd19791c92ca22066ba3

I am seeing

File "/home/mark/git/poky/scripts/lib/recipetool/create_go.py", line 151, in rootpath
    return self.__srv[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

Is more error checking required?


+    def _resolve_repository(self, modulepath):
+        """
+        Resolves src uri from go module-path
+        """
+        repodata = self._resolve_repository_static(modulepath)
+        if not repodata.repourl:
+            repodata = self._resolve_repository_dynamic(modulepath)
+        if repodata:
+            logger.info("Resolved download path for import '%s' => %s", 
modulepath, repodata.repourl)
+        return repodata
+    def _resolve_pseudo_semver(self, d, repo, module_version):
+        hash = None
+        def vcs_fetch_all():
+            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+            clone_cmd = "%s clone --bare %s %s" % ('git', repo, tmpdir)
+            bb.process.run(clone_cmd)
+            log_cmd = "git log --all --pretty='%H %d' --decorate=short"
+            output, errors = bb.process.run(log_cmd, shell=True, 
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tmpdir)
+            bb.utils.prunedir(tmpdir)
+            return output.strip().split('\n')
+        def vcs_fetch_remote(search=""):
+            ls_remote_cmd = "git ls-remote --tags {} {}".format(repo, search)
+            output, errors = bb.process.run(ls_remote_cmd)
+            return output.strip().split('\n')
+        m_pseudo_semver = re_pseudo_semver.match(module_version)
+        if m_pseudo_semver:
+            remote_refs = vcs_fetch_all()
+            short_commit = m_pseudo_semver.group('sha1_abbrev')
+            for l in remote_refs:
+                r = l.split(maxsplit=1)
+                sha1 = r[0] if len(r) else None
+                if not sha1:
+                    logger.error("Ups: could not resolve abbref commit for %s" 
% short_commit)
+                elif sha1.startswith(short_commit):
+                    hash = sha1
+                    break
+        else:
+            m_semver = re_semver.match(module_version)
+            if m_semver:
+                def get_sha1_remote(re, groupId):
+                    for l in remote_refs:
+                        r = l.split(maxsplit=1)
+                        sha1 = r[0] if len(r) else None
+                        ref = r[1] if len(r) == 2 else None
+                        if ref:
+                            m = re.match(ref)
+                            if m and semver_tag in m.group(groupId).split(','):
+                                return sha1
+                    return None
+                re_tags_remote = 
+                re_tags_all = re.compile(r"\((HEAD -> (.*), )?tag: 
*((?:([0-9A-Za-z-_\.]+),? *)+)\)")
+                semver_tag = "v" + m_semver.group('major') + "."\
+                                +m_semver.group('minor') + "."\
+                                +m_semver.group('patch') \
+                                +(("-" + m_semver.group('prerelease')) if 
m_semver.group('prerelease') else "")
+                remote_refs = vcs_fetch_remote(semver_tag)
+                # probe tag using 'ls-remote', which is faster than fetching 
complete history
+                sha1 = get_sha1_remote(re_tags_remote, 'tag')
+                if sha1:
+                    hash = sha1
+                else:
+                    # backup: fetch complete history
+                    remote_refs = vcs_fetch_all()
+                    hash = get_sha1_remote(re_tags_all, 3)
+        return hash
+    def _handle_dependencies(self, d, srctree, go_mod):
+        runenv = dict(os.environ, PATH=d.getVar('PATH'))
+        src_uris = []
+        src_revs = []
+        for require in go_mod['Require']:
+            module_path = require['Path']
+            module_version = require['Version']
+            repodata = self._resolve_repository(module_path)
+            commit_id = self._resolve_pseudo_semver(d, repodata.repourl, 
+            url = urllib.parse.urlparse(repodata.repourl)
+            repo_url = url.netloc + url.path
+            inline_fcn = "${@go_src_uri("
+            inline_fcn += "'{}'".format(repo_url)
+            if repo_url != module_path:
+                inline_fcn += ",path='{}'".format(module_path)
+            if repodata.suffix and not re.match("v[0-9]+", repodata.suffix):
+                inline_fcn += ",subdir='{}'".format(repodata.suffix)
+            if repodata.vcs != 'git':
+                inline_fcn += ",vcs='{}'".format(repodata.vcs)
+            inline_fcn += ")}"
+            src_uris.append(inline_fcn)
+            flat_module_path = module_path.replace('/', '.')
+            src_rev = "# %s@%s => %s\n" % (module_path, module_version, 
+            src_rev += "SRCREV_%s = \"%s\"\n" % (flat_module_path, commit_id)
+            src_rev += "GO_MODULE_PATH[%s] = \"%s\"\n" % (flat_module_path, 
+            src_rev += "GO_MODULE_VERSION[%s] = \"%s\"" % (flat_module_path, 
+            src_revs.append(src_rev)
+        return src_uris, src_revs
+    def _go_mod_patch(self, patchfile, go_import, srctree, localfilesdir, 
extravalues, d):
+        runenv = dict(os.environ, PATH=d.getVar('PATH'))
+        # first remove go.mod and go.sum, otherwise 'go mod init' will fail
+        bb.utils.remove(os.path.join(srctree, "go.mod"))
+        bb.utils.remove(os.path.join(srctree, "go.sum"))
+        bb.process.run("go mod init %s" % go_import, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, 
env=runenv, shell=True, cwd=srctree)
+        bb.process.run("go mod tidy", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=runenv, 
shell=True, cwd=srctree)
+        output, _ = bb.process.run("go mod edit -json", 
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=runenv, shell=True, cwd=srctree)
+        bb.process.run("git diff go.mod > %s" % (patchfile), 
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=runenv, shell=True, cwd=srctree)
+        bb.process.run("git checkout HEAD go.mod go.sum;", 
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=runenv, shell=True, cwd=srctree)
+        go_mod = json.loads(output)
+        tmpfile = os.path.join(localfilesdir, patchfile)
+        shutil.move(os.path.join(srctree, patchfile), tmpfile)
+        extravalues.setdefault('extrafiles', {})
+        extravalues['extrafiles'][patchfile] = tmpfile
+        return go_mod
+    def process(self, srctree, classes, lines_before, lines_after, handled, 
+        if 'buildsystem' in handled:
+            return False
+        files = RecipeHandler.checkfiles(srctree, ['go.mod'])
+        if not files:
+            return False
+        go_bindir = ensure_native_cmd(tinfoil, "go")
+        d = bb.data.createCopy(tinfoil.config_data)
+        d.prependVar('PATH', '%s:' % go_bindir)
+        handled.append('buildsystem')
+        classes.append("go-vendor")
+        runenv = dict(os.environ, PATH=d.getVar('PATH'))
+        output, _ = bb.process.run("go mod edit -json", 
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=runenv, shell=True, cwd=srctree)
+        go_mod = json.loads(output)
+        go_import = go_mod['Module']['Path']
+        go_version_match = re.match("([0-9]+).([0-9]+)", go_mod['Go'])
+        go_version_major = int(go_version_match.group(1))
+        go_version_minor = int(go_version_match.group(2))
+        src_uris = []
+        if go_version_major == 1 and go_version_minor < 17:
+            logger.warning("go.mod files generated by Go < 1.17 might have 
incomplete indirect dependencies.")
+            patchfile = "go.mod.patch"
+            localfilesdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='recipetool-go-')
+            go_mod = self._go_mod_patch(patchfile, go_import, srctree, 
localfilesdir, extravalues, d)
+            src_uris.append("file://%s;patchdir=src/${GO_IMPORT}" % 
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(srctree, "vendor")):
+            dep_src_uris, src_revs = self._handle_dependencies(d, srctree, 
+            src_uris.extend(dep_src_uris)
+            lines_after.append("#TODO: Subdirectories are heuristically derived 
from " \
+                              "the import path and might be incorrect.")
+            for src_rev in src_revs:
+                lines_after.append(src_rev)
+        self._rewrite_src_uri(src_uris, lines_before)
+        handle_license_vars(srctree, lines_before, handled, extravalues, d)
+        self._rewrite_lic_uri(lines_before)
+        lines_before.append("GO_IMPORT = \"{}\"".format(go_import))
+        lines_before.append("SRCREV_FORMAT = \"${PN}\"")
+    def _update_lines_before(self, updated, newlines, lines_before):
+        if updated:
+            del lines_before[:]
+            for line in newlines:
+                # Hack to avoid newlines that edit_metadata inserts
+                if line.endswith('\n'):
+                    line = line[:-1]
+                lines_before.append(line)
+        return updated
+    def _rewrite_lic_uri(self, lines_before):
+        def varfunc(varname, origvalue, op, newlines):
+            if varname == 'LIC_FILES_CHKSUM':
+                new_licenses = []
+                licenses = origvalue.split()
+                for license in licenses:
+                    uri, chksum = license.split(';', 1)
+                    url = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
+                    new_uri = os.path.join(url.scheme + "://", "src", "${GO_IMPORT}", 
url.netloc + url.path) + ";" + chksum
+                    new_licenses.append(new_uri)
+                return new_licenses, None, -1, True
+            return origvalue, None, 0, True
+        updated, newlines = bb.utils.edit_metadata(lines_before, 
['LIC_FILES_CHKSUM'], varfunc)
+        return self._update_lines_before(updated, newlines, lines_before)
+    def _rewrite_src_uri(self, src_uris_deps, lines_before):
+        def varfunc(varname, origvalue, op, newlines):
+            if varname == 'SRC_URI':
+                src_uri = []
+                src_uri.extend(src_uris_deps)
+                return src_uri, None, -1, True
+            return origvalue, None, 0, True
+        updated, newlines = bb.utils.edit_metadata(lines_before, ['SRC_URI'], 
+        return self._update_lines_before(updated, newlines, lines_before)
+def register_recipe_handlers(handlers):
+    handlers.append((GoRecipeHandler(), 60))

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