Hi Everyone,

While performing denzil to danny work I ran into this same issue that Mike 
mentioned. I have 4 machines that are armv7a based and previously in denzil 
only very specific recipes that I deliberately made machine specific were being 
rebuilt. Now a significant amount of recipes are being unnecessarily rebuilt. I 
first noticed this when building Qt but this also occurs with something even 
simpler such as tslib. If I look at tslib's temp directory I end up seeing 
multiple logs for the majority of the tasks. For example I will see 4 
log.do_compile logs.

I ran the sstate-diff-machines.sh script that Martin mentioned for machines 
defined in meta-ti and I got the below output when using tslib as the -targets:

list.M am3517-evm


list.M am335x-evm

The checksums differs for non-native recipes such as gettext, tslib and zlib.

If it matters I am using the 1.17.0 branch of bitbake since the master branch 
throws parsing errors.

Any suggestions on what could be the issue?

Franklin Cooper Jr.
Texas Instruments
Application Engineer

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